This project comprises only the hardware programming and schematics. For server-side code, see
- Receive an IR signal from a remote controller (TV, ar-conditioner, etc.);
- Send it to a external server;
- Monitors the status of an equipment (turned on, off);
- Communicates to the server when the status changes, retrieving via Internet the learned signal to turn on/off the equipment.
- Emit those IR signals, turning on/off the equipments in the room.
The server can have infinite IR signals decodified and stored, and has a simple web interface for:
- Monitor availability of the devices that joined to him;
- Monitor possible operation failures of the devices (during the status monitoring of the equipments);
- Issue a command to one or more devices (TO BE DEVELOPED);
- Assign IR signals to devices, making possible to change devices between rooms, for example.
- Arduino ATMega 2560;
- Ethernet Shield W5100;
- IR receptor;
- IR emitter diodes;
- Common electronic components (see schematic on project files).