Updating CarveME's universe curation pipeline in this fork
This repo contains Python code and Jupyter Notebooks aimed at facilitating the reconstruction and analysis of community genome-scale models reconstructed from genome data.
To install the package, first clone the repo and create the conda environment. We recomend using mamba instead of conda to speed up the process:
git clone https://github.com/Robaina/Phycogem.git
cd Phycogem
mamba env create -f envs/phycogem-dev.yml
conda activate phycogem-dev
Then build and install the package:
poetry build
pip install dist/phycogem*.whl
To use the package, activate the Conda environment:
conda activate phycogem-dev
This environment includes a Jupyter Notebook ipykernel, so the package can be used in a notebook as well.
This repo contains several Notebooks to exemply the use of the package. They can be found within the notebooks