This is a example on how to use the Intervention Image package built in PHP that leverages the ImageMagik/GD.
This was prepared for @PHPVegas - Slides can be found here
To get started, make sure you have docker installed.
Run composer install
to get the deps installed.
I've included a docker container to run the examples to make things alittle easier :)
To bring the stack up w logs in shell: docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans --abort-on-container-exit --always-recreate-deps
Then you can just hit cntl+c to get out and stop the containers.
I prefer to run the containers as daemon using the following cmd: docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate
Then you can run this to tail logs later: docker-compose logs -f
To bring the daemonized stack down, run docker-compose down
To ssh into the container you can run the following: docker-compose exec php bash
Once the stack is up can you check if the example is working by hitting http://localhost:8080/
You should see phpinfo
- Basic
Add Watermark, Resize, Render JPG
- Resize
Change an images size
- Crop
Crop an image
- Colorize
Change an images R+G+B profile
- Invert
Inverse of current R+G+B profile
- Rotate
Rotate an image
- Text
Add text to image