Simulate flow-level, inter-node network coordination including scaling and placement of services and scheduling/balancing traffic between them.
- Simulate any given network topology with node and link capacities using NetworkX
- Simulate network traffic in the form of flow arrivals at various ingress nodes with varying arrival rate, flow length, volume, etc
- Run algorithms for scaling, placement, and scheduling/load balancing of these incoming flows across the nodes in the network. Coordination within each node is out of scope (e.g., handled by Kubernetes).
- Discrete event simulation to evaluate coordination over time with SimPy
- Integration with OpenAI Gym to allow training and evaluating reinforcement learning algorithms
Requires Python 3.6. Install with (ideally using virtualenv):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Type coord-sim -h
for help using the simulator. For now, this should print
$ coord-sim -h
usage: coord-sim [-h] -d DURATION -sf SF -n NETWORK -c CONFIG
Coordination-Simulation tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DURATION, --duration DURATION
The duration of the simulation (simulates
-sf SF, --sf SF VNF file which contains the SFCs and their respective
SFs and their properties.
-n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
The GraphML network file that specifies the nodes and
edges of the network.
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to the simulator config file
-s SEED, --seed SEED Random seed
You can use the following command as an example (run from the root project folder)
coord-sim -d 20 -n params/networks/triangle.graphml -sf params/services/abc.yaml -c params/config/sim_config.yaml
This will run a simulation on a provided GraphML network file and a YAML placement file for a duration of 20 timesteps.
# style check
flake8 src
# tests