To ease FE development on AEM projects when FE/BE is working in an integrated codebase and all local build/automation tasks are handled by Maven and NOT a FE build/automation tool.
You would like to avoid forcing a Maven build for every change to a CSS/JS/HTML file but desire to keep the integrity/clarity of a one-build solution.
Why would you have to force a Maven build on these FE files?
- Your project is AEM and FE/BE are working in an integrated environment
- AEMs clientlibs are being utilized for automatic concatentation and minification of CSS/JS files
- You have one build system to cover both FE and BE
- You're using SASS
As a reminder, even if #3 wasn't in play and you wanted to manage front-end builds/tasks with Grunt/Gulp, you still would not be able to push FE changes to the clientlib directory as AEM caches these files when initially generated.
- Copy files to root of your project directory (same level as /AEM/ webapp directory). Note the included .gitignore file.
- Install package > npm install
- Change paths if required (see below)
- sudo grunt
Grunt is now watching for file changes to push to AEM/Sling.
- JS
- JS is developed in partial files within the /js/ folder in the /clientlib-site/ directory. The JS files here, as well as the third-party libraries within /clientlib-depenedncies/, are individually pushed to AEM/Sling when each file is modified. AEM subsequently concatenates, minifies and renders.
- This script assumes SASS. As such, each partial SCSS file is developed within the /css/ folder inside the /clientlib-site/ directory. These partial files are manually imported into a file called styles.scss, compiled into a temporary 'styles.css' file in the root of the /clientlib-site/ folder and pushes this to Sling. It's important to note that Maven follows the exact same process to get these files to Sling.
- In order to preserve a specific load order of JS files, js.txt in the root of /clientlib-site/ is used to define the concatenation order of each partial JS file
- AEM components are HTML files which, like the clientlib files are cached by AEM. As such these files are also watched and pushed to AEM/Sling when modified.
- /AEM/ Directory
- The /AEM/ directory within this package is purely an example of what a basic /clientlib/ directory would look like following the build paradigm illustrated here.
- Paths
- 'dependencies' points to your /clientlib-dependencies/ within /clientlib/. This is for 3rd party JS dependencies.
- 'site' points to your /clientlib-site/ for all custom CSS/JS
- 'libroot' points to the root of the /clientlib/ folders
- 'html' points to the root of the /components/ directory where all component markup resides
- Anything that doesn't map back to your Maven solution. The most important requirement that this script adheared to was following the same processes that Maven/AEM are following. Grunt isn't required to Maven/AEM and vice versa. They are not following different processes to achieve the same effect. They are doing the exact same thing. As such, adding this script to your AEM project requires up-front planning and coordination with your BE lead.