A small, fast, pure JavaScript type-stripper that uses the official TypeScript parser.
Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one
Socket Runtime Examples – see how your favorite front-end framework is used to build cross platform UIs
Hypercore 10 is an append only log with multi-writer primitives built in.
Read and write files atomically and reliably.
Replicate data structures easily using hyperswarm
A lean subset of JavaScript for no-bullshit daily development.
📈 A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars
Better typed `querySelector` and `querySelectorAll`.
Create an Async friendly interface around leveldown.
🔥 比libevent/libuv/asio更易用的网络库。A c/c++ network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket/MQTT client/server.
🦩 Joi like validations for TypeScript
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine assisted rapid and reliable software development lifecycle.
A reactive UI library for JavaScript and TypeScript
An open-source, web-based viewer for zoomable images, implemented in pure JavaScript.
A Chrome extension to measure essential metrics for a healthy site
Standard but also use TypeScript on JS files with jsdoc.
Handle errors with async/await without try/catch.
Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: `1337000000` → `15d 11h 23m 20s`
Super-fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes
A new way to see and navigate directory trees :