Video synopsis is a powerful technique for condensing long surveillance videos into a shorter summary, where key activities are preserved. The process involves detecting and tracking objects in a video, followed by creating "object tubes"—sequences of frames that encapsulate the movement of a particular object over time. These object tubes are then rearranged to maximize the visibility of non-overlapping objects in each frame, resulting in a condensed version of the original video. This technique is particularly useful for applications such as security surveillance, where reviewing hours of footage quickly is crucial.
This work is introduce a video synopsis model called FGS. Full details are available at
The SynoClip dataset is a comprehensive and standard dataset specifically designed for the video synopsis task. It consists of six videos, each ranging from 8 to 45 minutes in length, captured from outdoor-mounted surveillance cameras. This dataset is annotated with tracking information, making it an ideal resource not only for video synopsis but also for related tasks such as object detection in videos and multi-object tracking.
- Outdoor Surveillance Footage: Captured from outdoor-mounted cameras, the dataset reflects real-world surveillance conditions.
- Tracking Annotations: Each video comes with detailed tracking annotations, enabling a fair comparison of video synopsis model performance.
- Multi-Purpose Utility: While primarily intended for video synopsis, the dataset can also be used for training and evaluating object detection and tracking models in videos.
You can download the SynoClip dataset from the following Google Drive link:
We have fine-tuned the YOLOv8n model using the SynoClip dataset. The best model weights, labeled as
, are included in this repository. To utilize these weights, specify the --Model
argument in your command.
This project utilizes the YOLOv8n model from Ultralytics for object detection. To run the code, you need to execute
with the required arguments.
To run the video synopsis model, use the following command:
python3 --InPath path/to/input/video/input.mp4
--IDPath path/to/save/directory/
--Model path/to/yolo/weight/
To facilitate running the code, we provide a Google Colab notebook. You can access it via the link below:
title={A Low-Computational Video Synopsis Frameworkwith a Standard Dataset},
doi = {},
url = {},