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v0.9 Tutorial 01 Basic Scene Eclipse

contriteobserver edited this page Jul 16, 2017 · 1 revision

Clone, or download a copy of the Rajawali source code. Make sure you're using v0.9. If you cloned, you can do this with $ git checkout v0.9.

Import the Rajawali project into Eclipse (Go to this page for a comprehensive guide about how to set up Rajawali..)

Create a new project in Eclipse (Right-click in Package Explorer and choose New > Project … Android Project). Use these values in the configuration screen:

  • Application Name: RajawaliTutorial1

  • Project Name: RajawaliTutorial1

  • Project Name: rajawali.tutorials

  • Minimum Required SDK: API 8: Android 2.2 (Froyo)

  • (leave ‘TargetSDK’ / ‘Compile With’ as defaults)

  • Theme: None Click “Next >”

  • Uncheck ‘Create custom launcher icon’

  • Leave ‘Create activity’ checked Click “Next >”

Leave as “Blank Activity” Click “Next >”

  • Activity Name: RajawaliTutorial1Activity
  • Layout Name: (leave as default)
  • Navigation Type: None

Press “Finish” In your project's settings, add a library reference to Rajawali

Open the RajawaliTutorial1Activity class (RajawaliTutorial1 – src – rajawali.tutorials – and change this line:

extends Activity


extends RajawaliActivity

You may need to then add the appropriate import:

import rajawali.RajawaliActivity;

(From now on, we’ll assume you environment auto-adds the appropriate imports, or you click on the markers to suggest/add the appropriate imports for you.)

Also, you should change:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Right click on the rajawali.tutorials package in the package explorer and choose “New > Class”.

Name the class RajawaliTutorial1Renderer and set rajawali.renderer.RajawaliRenderer as the Superclass.

Check “Constructors from superclass” and “Inherited abstract methods”

Hit “Finish”.

Edit the constructor and set the frame rate:

public RajawaliTutorial1Renderer(Context context)

Add the initScene() method. This is where we’ll set up our 3D scene.

public void initScene() {

Add a new class variable called mLight of type DirectionalLight:

private DirectionalLight mLight;

and add the following code to the initScene() method:

mLight = new DirectionalLight(1f, 0.2f, -1.0f); // set the direction
mLight.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

Create a new folder under /res/ called drawable-nodpi and place your texture there. (You can copy/paste the “earthtruecolor_nasa_big.jpg” from the same folder in the RajawaliExamples project if you have it installed.)

Next we are going to create a simple sphere and a texture. First add a class variable called mSphere of type BaseObject3D and add this code to the initScene() method:

DiffuseMaterial material = new DiffuseMaterial();
material.addTexture(new TextureInfo(R.drawable.earthtruecolor_nasa_big));
mSphere = new Sphere(1, 24, 24);
addChild(mSphere); //Queue an addition task for mSphere

(Change earthtruecolor_nasa_big to whatever texture you used, if you did not copy the example on as suggested.)

Also set the position of the camera:


The last thing to do is create an instance of this renderer in our main activity. Open the RajawaliTutorial1Activity class and add the mRenderer class variable:

private RajawaliTutorial1Renderer mRenderer; 

Remove the entire onCreateOptionsMenu method. And finally, change the onCreate() method to:

@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	mRenderer = new RajawaliTutorial1Renderer(this);

Build and launch and behold the sphere!

Let’s make this a bit less boring and add some animation. Go back to the RajawaliTutorial1Renderer class and override the onDrawFrame() method and add y-axis rotation:

@Override public void onDrawFrame(GL10 glUnused) {
	mSphere.setRotY(mSphere.getRotY() + 1);

That’s it. Very basic tutorial here. You can view the full source code [here] (

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