Raj Ghugare,
* Equal advising.
Create virtual environment named env_stuff
using command:
python3 -m venv env_stuff
Install all the packages used to run the code using the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train an RvS (decision-mlp) agent on pointmaze-umaze using temporal data augmentation, with
python train_dmlp.py dataset_name=pointmaze-umaze-v0 augment_data=True nclusters=40
To train a DT (decision-transformer) agent on pointmaze-umaze using temporal data augmentation, with
python train_dt.py dataset_name=pointmaze-umaze-v0 augment_data=True nclusters=40
To download the pretrained datasets, visit this google drive link.
To collect the pointmaze-large dataset with
python collect_pointmaze_data.py pointmaze-large-v0 1 1000000
To collect the antmaze-large dataset with
python collect_antmaze_data.py antmaze-umaze-v0 1 1000000
Our codebase has been build using/on top of the following codes. We thank the respective authors for their awesome contributions.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to me via raj.ghugare@mila.quebec.