When running a native application using the SDL driver, lvgl_init sets the display size used by the LVGL display driver.
When using an actual LCD, ths display driver ver/hor resolution are set after the driver has been initialized as below:
For a native application using SDL, I have not been able to resize the display outside of performing a similar action as above, but for SDL.
For reference, I have attempted editing lv_drv_conf.h under the lv_drivers pkg
editing SDL_HOR_RES and SDL_VER_RES does not adjust the screen size and the SDL display always runs at the default 320x240 size as defined in lv_disp_drv_init below:
Alternatively, I also attempted editing lvgl_riot_conf to a similar end, but the result remained an lvgl display window of 320x240.
The SDL window itself will map to the SDL_HOR_RES/SDL_VER_RES size, but the LVGL display window always remains unchanged at 320x240.
In order to resolve this, the simplest solution seemed to be passing LCD_SCREEN_WIDTH/LCD_SCREEN_HEIGHT into the display driver, LCD_SCREEN_WIDTH/HEIGHT being passed in as CFLAGS in a pkg Makefile.include
Passing disp_dev_width/height into the disp_drv for SDL results in a kernel panic