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Prez is a data-configurable Linked Data API framework that delivers profiles of Knowledge Graph data according to the Content Negotiation by Profile standard.


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Prez is a data-configurable Linked Data API framework that delivers profiles of Knowledge Graph data according to the Content Negotiation by Profile standard.

Where's the UI?

Prez delivers data only - usually RDF but could be GeoJSON, XML etc. - and it delivers a special form of RDF which includes labels for all objects and predicates Prez can find in its database.

If you want a UI that can render Prez' labelled RDF as HTML and other fancy graphical widgets, see the Prez UI.



To get a copy of Prez on your computer, run:

git clone

Prez is developed with Poetry, a Python packaging and dependency tool. Poetry presents all of Prez's dependencies (other Python packages) in the pyproject.toml file located in the project root directory.

To install the Python dependencies run:

poetry install

Note: Poetry must be installed on the system. To check if you have Poetry installed run poetry --version. For tips on installing and managing specific dependency groups check the documentation.


Prez delivers the following endpoints:

Core Endpoints

Endpoint Default MT
/ text/anot+turtle
/docs text/html
/catalogs/{catalogId} text/anot+turtle
/catalogs/{catalogId}/collections text/anot+turtle
/catalogs/{catalogId}/collections/{recordsCollectionId} text/anot+turtle
/catalogs/{catalogId}/collections/{recordsCollectionId}/items text/anot+turtle
/catalogs/{catalogId}/collections/{recordsCollectionId}/items/{itemId} text/anot+turtle
/purge-tbox-cache application/json
/tbox-cache application/json
/health application/json
/prefixes text/anot+turtle
/concept-hierarchy/{parent_curie}/narrowers text/anot+turtle
/concept-hierarchy/{parent_curie}/top-concepts text/anot+turtle
/cql text/anot+turtle
/profiles text/anot+turtle
/search text/anot+turtle
/profiles/{profile_curie} text/anot+turtle
/object text/anot+turtle
/identifier/redirect N/A
/identifier/curie/{iri} text/plain
/identifier/iri/{curie} text/plai

OGC Features API Endpoints

The OGC Features API Endpoints are based at the ROOT /catalogs/{catalogId}/collections/{recordsCollectionId}/

Endpoint Default MT
{ROOT}/features application/json
{ROOT}/features/docs text/html
{ROOT}/features/conformance application/json
{ROOT}/features/collections application/json
{ROOT}/features/collections/{collectionId} application/json
{ROOT}/features/collections/{collectionId}/items application/geo+json
{ROOT}/features/collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId} application/geo+jso


The following Environment Variables can be used to configure Prez: In most cases all that is required is the SPARQL_ENDPOINT variable.

These can be set in a '.env' file which will get read in via python-dotenv. Alternatively, set them directly in the environment from which Prez is run.

SPARQL Endpoint Configuration

  • sparql_endpoint: Read-only SPARQL endpoint for Prez. Default is None.
  • sparql_username: A username for the Prez SPARQL endpoint, if required by the RDF DB. Default is None.
  • sparql_password: A password for the Prez SPARQL endpoint, if required by the RDF DB. Default is None.

Network Configuration

  • protocol: The protocol used to deliver Prez. Default is "http".
  • host: Prez's host domain name. Default is "localhost".
  • port: The port Prez is made accessible on. Default is 8000.

System URI

  • system_uri: An IRI for the Prez system as a whole. This value appears in the landing page RDF delivered by Prez ("/"). Default is f"{protocol}://{host}:{port}".

Logging Configuration

  • log_level: Logging level. Default is "INFO".
  • log_output: Logging output destination. Default is "stdout".

Prez Metadata

  • prez_title: Title for the Prez instance. Default is "Prez".
  • prez_desc: Description of the Prez instance. Default is a description of the Prez web framework API.
  • prez_version: Version of the Prez instance. Default is None.

CURIE Separator

  • curie_separator: Separator used in CURIEs. Default is ":". This separator appears in links generated by Prez, and in turn in URL paths.

Ordering and Predicate Configuration

  • order_lists_by_label: Whether to order lists by label. Default is True.
Label Predicates

Used for displaying RDF with human readable labels.

  • label_predicates: List of predicates used for labels. Default includes:
    • skos:prefLabel
    • dcterms:title
    • rdfs:label
    • sdo:name

When an annotated (+anot) mediatype is used, Prez includes triples for every URI in the initial response which has one of the above properties. These annotation triples are then cached. The annotations are used for display purposes, for example HTML pages.

Description Predicates

Similar to label predicates above.

  • description_predicates: List of predicates used for descriptions. Default includes:
    • skos:definition
    • dcterms:description
    • sdo:description
Provenance Predicates

Similar to provenance predicates above.

  • provenance_predicates: List of predicates used for provenance. Default includes:
    • dcterms:provenance
Other Predicates

The annotation mechanism can further be used to generally return certain properties wherever present.

  • other_predicates: List of other predicates. Default includes:
    • sdo:color
    • reg:status
    • skos:narrower
    • skos:broader

SPARQL Repository Configuration

  • sparql_repo_type: Type of SPARQL repository. Default is "remote". Options are "remote", "pyoxigraph", and "oxrdflib"
  • sparql_timeout: Timeout for SPARQL queries. Default is 30.

Contact Information

  • prez_contact: Contact information for Prez. Default is None.

Prefix Generation

  • disable_prefix_generation: Whether to disable prefix generation. It is recommended to disable prefix generation for large data repositories, further, it is recommended to always specify prefixes in the prez/reference_data/prefixes/ directory. Default is False.

Language and Search Configuration

  • default_language: Default language for Prez. Default is "en".
  • default_search_predicates: Default search predicates. Default includes:
    • rdfs:label
    • skos:prefLabel
    • sdo:name
    • dcterms:title

Local RDF Directory

Used in conjunction with the Pyoxigraph repo. Specifies a directory (from the repository root) to load into the Pyoxigraph in memory data graph. Not used for other repository types.

  • local_rdf_dir: Directory for local RDF files. Default is "rdf".

Endpoint Structure

  • endpoint_structure: Default structure of the endpoints, used to generate links. Default is ("catalogs", "collections", "items").

System Endpoints

  • system_endpoints: List of system endpoints. Default includes:
    • ep:system/profile-listing
    • ep:system/profile-object

Listing and Search Configuration

  • listing_count_limit: The maximum number of items to count for a listing endpoint. Counts greater than this limit will be returned as ">N" where N is the limit. Default is 100.
  • search_count_limit: The maximum number of items to return in a search result. Default is 10.

SPARQL Endpoint

  • enable_sparql_endpoint: Whether to enable the SPARQL endpoint. Default is False.

Temporal Configuration

  • temporal_predicate: The predicate used for temporal properties. Default is sdo:temporal.

Query Template Configuration

  • endpoint_to_template_query_filename: A dictionary mapping endpoints to query template filenames. Default is an empty dictionary.


This section is for developing Prez locally. See the Running options below for running Prez in production.

To run the development server (with auto-reload on code changes):

poetry run python

Running in a Container

Prez container images are built using a Github Action and are available here.

The Dockerfile in the repository can also be used to build a Docker image.

Image variants

The image name is

The latest tag points to the latest stable release of Prez. All latest stable releases have a major, major and minor, and major, minor and patch tag pointing to it.

For example, for a release with a git tag of 3.2.4, the following tags will be on the container image:

  • 3
  • 3.2
  • 3.2.4
  • latest

New commits to the main branch creates a rolling dev image with the dev tag. The dev builds will also include a tag in the form of major.minor.{patch+1}-dev.{commits-since-last-release}.{short-commit-sha}. This conforms to semantic versioning and will be recognized by orchestration systems to perform automatic releases.

For example, if the latest release is 3.2.4 and there have been 7 new commits since the release and the short commit SHA is fc82562, then the container image tag will be:

  • 3.2.5-dev.7.fc82562

To run the pulled docker image:

docker run -p 8000:8000 \
    -e SPARQL_ENDPOINT=<your_sparql_endpoint> \

The above command starts a Docker container running Prez on port 8000, connected to the specified sparql endpoint.


Prez uses PyTest and Coverage for testing and test coverage reports.

To run all available tests:

poetry run pytest tests

To run all available tests for coverage analysis:

poetry run coverage run -m pytest tests

To generate a coverage report:

poetry run coverage report

Redirect Service

As a Linked Data server, Prez provides a redirect service at /identifier/redirect that accepts a query parameter iri, looks up the iri in the database for a foaf:homepage predicate with a value, and if it exists, return a redirect response to the value.

This functionality is useful for institutions who issue their own persistent identifiers under a domain name that they control. The mapping from the persistent identifier to the target web resource is stored in the backend SPARQL store.

This is an alternative solution to persistent identifier services such as the In some cases, it can be used together with such persistent identifier services to avoid the need to provide the redirect mapping in webserver config (NGINX, Apache HTTP, etc.) and instead, define the config as RDF data.

Data Validation

For Prez to deliver data via its various subsystems, the data needs to conform to some minimum requirements: you can't, for instance, run VocPrez without any SKOS ConceptSchemes defined!


All the profiles listed above provide validators that can be used with RDF data to test to see if it's valid. If it is, Prez will be just fine with it.

The profiles' validators are all available from the profiles themselves (navigate to the listings of other profile resources via the specification links above) and they are also loaded into the RDFTools online tool which you can use without downloading or installing anything:

Look for the VocPrez Compounded and similar validators. The 'compounded' bit means that validator will validate data against all VocPrez and inherited requirements.


NOTE: This open source tool is actively developed and supported by KurrawongAI, a small Australian Knowledge Graph company, developers at the University of Melbourne and by open source contributors too.

To flag problems or raise questions, please create issues in the Issue Tracker or you can contact developers using their details below.

Here are the lead developers:


David Habgood

Nicholas Car

Edmond Chuc

University of Melbourne - Prez UI mainly Jamie Feiss


We love contributions to this tool and encourage you to create Issues in this repository's Issue Tracker or to submit a Pull Requests!

There is documentation on contributing to Prez, see


This version of Prez and the contents of this repository are also available under the BSD-3-Clause License. See this repository's LICENSE file for details.


Prez is a data-configurable Linked Data API framework that delivers profiles of Knowledge Graph data according to the Content Negotiation by Profile standard.








