- A midlleware used to stall greenplum' Insert commands and load data by gpload
- a simple ETL tool with some limitations;
- tested with postgre-jdbc 9.4 and php-pgsql
- support simple Postgre Frontend/Backend protocol
- Query Message
- Extended Message
- install dependencies
- GCC 4.7+ to support c++11
git clone https://github.com/Qihoo360/gpstall
git submodule update --init
# for release: make __REL=1
- copy output/lib/ to /usr/local/gpstall/lib/ if needed;
./gpstall [-h] [-c conf/file]
-h -- show this help
-c conf/file -- config file
### gpstall conf
local_ip :
local_port : 8001
worker_num : 8
## csv file size (Bytes)
# file_size : 400
## Seconds
load_interval : 120
flush_interval : 1800
# data_path : ./data
# load_script : bin/load.sh
# conf_script : bin/gpload.yaml.ori
daemon_mode : false
### Glog conf
log_path : ./logs
# 0, log; 1, warning; 2, error; 3, fatal error.
minloglevel : 0
# Stdout stderr size, not the glog file size
#maxlogsize : 1800
### Greenplum conf
gp_user : user
passwd : passwd
gp_host :
gp_port : 15432
### gpfdist conf
gpd_host :
gpd_port : 8081
error_limit : 50000
$ psql -h -p 8001 -U user test_db
Password for user user:
psql (8.3.23, server gpstall0.1)
WARNING: psql version 8.3, server version 0.0.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
test_db=# INSERT INTO test_table("name", "id") VALUES ('zhang', 1);
test_db=# stall_status;
start_time: 20170920192532
service_status: ONLINE
conn_num: 1
QPS: 0
gpload_failed_num: 2
- 1 We only support simple Insert command.
insert into table_name (attribute_A, attribute_B, ...) values (value_A_1, value_B_1, ...), (value_A_2, value_B_2, ...);
- 2 Client is forced to use password to login;
email: g-infra-bada@list.qihoo.net