The code has been tested under Python 3.7.5, with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):
- tensorflow == 2.1.0
- scikit-learn == 0.22.1
- numpy = 1.18.1
- scipy == 1.4.1
- gensim
- Download the code from
- Find the word2vec_inner.pyx in the path gensim/models/
- Modify the following code in Train_batch_cbow and train_batch_sg
k = i + c.window + 1 - c.reduced_windows[i]
- \data: Store the example inputs.
- \emb: Store the learned embeddings.
- \eval: Store the evaluation scripts for different metric.
- \model: Store the trained models.
- Train-test split for link prediction.
- Defines different hyperparameters here.
- The main entrance of running.
- Codes to load data and split data.
(1) ANE expect an edgelist for the input network, i.e.,
node1 node2 1
node1 node3 1
Each row contains two IDs, which are separated by '\t'
(2) Two formats are supported for the input labels. By setting format = 'cora' , we expect a node with multi-labels:
The node ID defaults to line number and starts from 0 to N−1 (N is the number of nodes in the graph)
By setting format = 'blogcat', we expect a node with single label:
node1 label1
node2 label1
nodeN label5
The first column is the node’s ID. The second column is the label of corresponding node. They are separated by'\t'.
(3) The output embeddings are as follows:
N d
node1 f1 f2 ... fd
node2 f1 f2 ... fd
nodeN f1 f2 ... fd
where N denotes the number of nodes and d denotes the embeddings' dimension. Each subsequent row represents a node.
We take the Citeseer dataset as an exampleand show how to perform classification tasks for ANE:
(1) Modify the following parameters in
TRAIN_INPUT_FILENAME = '/data/Citeseer_input.txt'
TRAIN_LABEL_FILENAME ='/data/Citeseer_label.txt'
format ='blogcat'
APP = 0
(2) Run the code by:
(3) The learned embeddings will be stored in /emb/, and the evaluation results (micro F1 and macro F1) for embeddings will be printed on the screen for each epoch.
We take the wiki-vote dataset as an exampleand show how to perform link prediction tasks for ANE:
(1) If you have split the dataset, please move directly to step 2. Otherwise, modify the following parameters in
APP = 1
split = True
test_frac = 0.2
FULL_FILENAME = '/data/wiki-vote.txt'
TRAIN_POS_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_train_pos.txt'
TRAIN_NEG_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_train_neg.txt'
TEST_POS_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_test_pos.txt'
TEST_NEG_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_test_neg.txt'
Note that splitting data can take a long time. Therefore, we recommend storing the divided data for later use.
(2) If you have finished parameter setting in step 1, skip to step 3. Otherwise, modify the following parameters in
APP = 1
split = False
TRAIN_POS_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_train_pos.txt'
TEST_POS_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_test_pos.txt'
TEST_NEG_FILENAME = '/data/wiki_test_neg.txt'
(3) Run the code by:
(4) The learned embeddings will be stored in /emb/, and the evaluation results (AUC and NDCG@k) for embeddings will be printed on the screen for each epoch.