a tool to get title for domain or url
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
__ _ _ _ _ _ _
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| |_ / _` / __| __| \ \ /\ / / _ \ '_ \ | __| | __| |/ _ \
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usage: web_title.py [-h] [-d domain.txt] [-u url.txt] [-i ip.txt] [-t 20]
[-o result.txt]
A tool that can get title for domains or urls
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d domain.txt, --domain domain.txt
domain to get title
-u url.txt, --url url.txt
urls to get title
-i ip.txt, --ip ip.txt
ips to get title
-t 20, --coroutine 20
coroutines to get title
-o result.txt, --outfile result.txt
file to result
python3 web_title.py -d domain.txt
python3 web_title.py -u url.txt
python3 web_title.py -i ip.txt
python3 web_title.py -i ip.txt -d domain.txt -u url.txt
python3 web_title.py -u url.txt -t 50