The official code repository ( of The Python Simulator for Cellular Systems: PySCeS project: release code will be mirrored on SF SVN and all official source archives and binary releases made available from SourceForge.
PySCeS is available as an Anaconda package for 64 bit Windows, Linux and OSX:
conda install -c sbmlteam -c pysces pysces
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2020, Brett G. Olivier, Johann M. Rohwer and Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr All rights reserved.
PySCeS is distributed under a BSD style licence, please see LICENCE.txt for details
PySCeS is archived on Zenodo :
Brett G Olivier & Johann Rohwer. (2020, March 21). PySCeS/pysces: PySCeS release 0.9.7 (Version 0.9.7). Zenodo.
Brett G. Olivier
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences Systems Bioinformatics De Boelelaan 1085 NL-1081 HV AMSTERDAM The Netherlands
previous address
Triple-J Group for Molecular Cell Physiology Department of Biochemistry University of Stellenbosch Private Bag X1 Matieland 7602
email: web:
Please see INSTALL.txt for information on building PySCeS an its modules.
PySCeS is available as an Anaconda package for 64 bit Windows, Linux and OSX:
conda install -c sbmlteam -c pysces pysces
PySCeS has interfaces to and is distributed with additional packages that are supplied under their own licence conditions.
The NLEQ2 algorithm from ZIB which has it's own licence and warranty and does not fall under the PySCeS GPL licence. ZIB has kindly given us permission to distribute NLEQ2 with PySCeS provided it's use falls within their terms of usage (/nleq2/nleq2_readme):
You may use or modify this code for your own non commercial purposes for an unlimited time. In any case you should not deliver this code without a special permission of ZIB. In case you intend to use the code commercially, we oblige you to sign an according licence agreement with ZIB.
If you are not using PySCeS for research or personal use you must disable NLEQ2 by setting nleq2 = 0 in before installation. This is a plug-in solver and its removal does not otherwise influence PySCeS.
David Beazley's PLY 3.3 ( This package is included unchanged and consists of two files and in the lib/ and core2/ modules.
Brett G. Olivier, 21 March 2020