It uses RtlCaptureContext/RtlRestoreContext to switch context.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <thread>
#include "Fiber.h"
void fn1(void* any)
printf("fn1 start\n");
printf("fn1 end\n");
int main()
Fiber::Handle* c1 = Fiber::Spawn(fn1, (void*)1);
while (Fiber::Active())
if (Fiber::Update() == false)
return 0;
Handle* Spawn(void(*fn)(void*), void* arg, size_t stackSize = 0)
Creates new fiber -- fn: a pointer to the function to be executed by the fiber -- arg: -- stackSize: desired stack size of fiber. if 0 stack size will have default length (about 28kb).
bool Active()
Returns true, if there is created and not finished fibers.
bool Update();
Get first ready fiber and run it. Returns true if any fiber was runned. Returns false if there is no ready fibers.
void Yield();
Suspends the execution of the current fiber. If fiber in ready state, it will be continued at next Update calls.
Handle* Self();
Returns handle of current fiber.
void Suspend(Handle* fiber);
Set fiber to waitable state. Have no effect up to Yield is called.
void Resume(Handle* fiber);
Set fiber to ready state and add to ready queue. It will be continued at next Update calls.