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Tags: Pulover/PuloversMacroCreator



Toggle v5.4.1's commit message
* Added a sleep when collecting data to save project to improve relia…


* Fixed bug with escaped characters in expressions.
* Fixed *Until* option unchecked when editting a loop command.
* Fixed bug when selecting some options in the Speed Up/Down menus.


Toggle v5.4.0's commit message
* Fixed missing or mixed rows when importing files.

* Automatically adding escape char in delimiter em omit chars in Loop window.


Toggle v5.3.9's commit message
* Fixed bug in Get-Area button in Image/Pixel Search window.


Toggle v5.3.8's commit message
* Fixing bug with named operators.

* Fixed scroll bug during operations with groups enabled.


Toggle v5.3.7's commit message
* Fixed *A_* variables not accessible in nested Loop commands.

* Fixed bugs with quotes in expressions.


Toggle v5.3.6's commit message
* Fixed bug with multiple compare operators.

* Fixed issue with variables and strings in expressions.
* Fixed other groups expanding when inserting new group.
* Small bug fixes.


Toggle v5.3.5's commit message
* Updated max value for *Pause (Sleep)* command.

* Project's exe custom icon path is now saved to PMC file.
* Fixed bugs with objects and strings inside objects.
* Fixed small bugs.


Toggle v5.3.4's commit message
* Fixed strings being evaluated as math operations in expressions.


Toggle v5.3.3's commit message
* Fixed bug in *Else If* statements nested in other statements.

* Fixed empty return value from **Object/Array** method call from *Function* window.


Toggle v5.3.2's commit message
* Fixed bug in Function Return.