English | 中文
Tiny version of the Vue3 based on TDD, in order to learning deeply Vue3 and clarify the core logic
- implement reactive
- effect.scheduler
- effect.stop
- track dependency collection
- trigger triggering dependencies
- implement readonly
- isReactive
- isReadonly
- nested reactive
- shallowReadonly
- shallowReactive
- isProxy
- implement ref
- shallowRef
- proxyRefs
- implement computed
- component type
- element type
- props
- props 和 context
- component emit
- proxy
- setup
- nextTick
- getCurrentInstance
- provide/inject
- slots
- Fragment node component
- Text node component
- $el
- parse slots
- parse element
- parse text
- custom renderer
monorepo & vitest
- refactor by pnpm monorepo
- vitest replace jest
Tiny-vue3 is MIT licensed.