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-- apps/HttpProxy/README

 * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc.

This file describes the test conditions for running the CCN HttpProxy demo.

First, we assume that there is a running ccnd program.  If that is not the
case, then refer to the ccnx documentation.

HttpProxy is a specialized HTTP proxy that handles a subset of the HTTP GET
requests by converting them into CCN interests.  Those interests are then
satisfied through the ccnd.  HttpProxy listens for HTTP GET requests on a
given port, and has sufficient logic to serve as a proxy for browsers with
configurable proxies (Firefox and Safari have been tested).  The subset of
GET requests that can be handled via CCN is given as a list of permitted host
names or host name prefixes, plus a small set of additional restrictions.
Subrange requests are not honored.

NetFetch listens for CCN interests of a particular form, and turns them into
HTTP GET requests.  When the HTTP requests result in content, this content
is segmented and stored into the local ccnd to satisfy the interests.  The
NetFetch program stores whole files, and does not handle subrange requests.
Once a file is stored it remains until deleted by the client (NetFetch does
not delete files).

Ground rules.

1.  Only Linux, Solaris, or Mac OS X platforms are supported.

2.  There must be at least one HttpProxy server and one NetFetch server.
    [OK for them to be on the same machine]

3.  Each server running HTTPProxy or NetFetch must also run ccnd.

4.  Full header (in request or reply) must be less than 16k bytes.

5.  Only GET requests using HTTP will use CCN.

6.  Only hosts in the HttpProxy.list file will use CCN.


Running tests.

0.  We will use the following symbols:
	HHH		-- the host machine running HttpProxy
	NNN		-- the host machine running NetFetch
	$CCNBin		-- the CCN tool binaries (such as ccnd)
	$ProxyHome	-- the directory for HTTPProxy and NetFetch files
	$FetchCache	-- the directory for storing files for NetFetch
	$TestCCN	-- the CCN prefix for interests (default: TestCCN)

1.  Starting ccnd
	-- on HHH
	-- on NNN
	-- if HHH is not NNN, route ccnd demon from HHH to NNN using
		ccndc add ccnx:/ udp NNN

2.  Any HTTP source programs should use port 8080 on HHH for HTTPProxy service
    (hint, for Firefox, use Preferences->Advanced and use Settings to set the
    HTTPProxy to localhost, port 8080, using the Manual proxy configuration).

3.  On HHH, edit $ProxyHome/HttpProxy.list to include custom cacheable prefixes,
    or to exclude prefixes.

4.  on HHH, start HTTPProxy using
	cd $ProxyHome
	./HttpProxy -resolveHigh >proxy.log

5.  on NNN, start NetFetch using
	cd $ProxyHome
	./NetFetch -fsRoot $FetchCache/ >fetch.log

6.  execute tests that send HTTP traffic to port 8080


Additional commands and information

1.  To make a ccnd mark all content as stale, use:
	$CCNBin/ccnrm ccnx:/

2.  To delete all files cached by NetFetch, use:
	rm -Rf $FetchCache/*


Statistics in the logs

In HttpProxy, the lines of interest look like:

	@25320.607, stats, req 1598, rep 1565, reads 3568, bytes 13803166, repCCN 345, readsCCN 713, bytesCCN 2078741

	@25320.607		-- seconds since the start of HttProxy
	req 1598		-- HTTP requests handled
	rep 1565		-- HTTP replies handled (incl. CCN)
	reads 3568		-- read operations issued (incl. CCN)
	bytes 13803166		-- bytes read (incl. CCN)
	repCCN 345		-- HTTP replies handled via CCN
	readsCCN 713		-- read operations via CCN
	bytesCCN 2078741 	-- bytes read via CCN

In NetFetch the lines of interest look like:

@68197.748, changes 4082, filesCreated 438, interestsSeen 1527, segmentsPut 1424, bytesPut 4762527


	@68197.748		-- iseconds since the start of NetFetch
	changes 4082		-- changes in state since start of NetFetch
	filesCreated 438	-- files created
	interestsSeen 1527	-- interests seen
	segmentsPut 1424	-- segments put via CCN
	bytesPut 4762527	-- bytes put via CCN

The interestsSeen number includes interests expressed beyond the EOF for the
file, and are therefore ignored.  It sometimes includes duplicate interests
that came about through race conditions.  The segmentsPut number is the number
of segments put via CCN, and may include some duplicates.  Duplicate replies
are suppressed by ccnd.