My Discord server -
- ...
- CS2 Server (Linux or Window)
- Remove server hibernation
sv_hibernate_when_empty 0
- sql_mm plugins by zer0k-z : (In the release archive)
- Utils Api by Pisex :
- Specify database data in the config
Admin functions can be used both in the console(mm_) and in chat(!) The plugin includes the following commands:
- Shows player userid.!admin
- Display admin menu.!ban <#userid|name> <duration(minutes)/0 (permanent)> <reason>
- Allows you to block a player(ADMFLAG_BAN)!offban <steam64> <nick> <duration(minutes)/0 (permanent)> <reason>
- Offline ban(ADMFLAG_BAN)!!rename <#userid|name> <name>
- Rename player(ADMFLAG_KICK)!unban <steamid> - unban
- Allows you to unblock a player(ADMFLAG_UNBAN)!silence <#userid|name> <duration(minutes)/0 (permanent)> <reason>
- Allows you to block voice and chat of a player (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!unsilence <#userid|name>
- Allows you to unlock the voice and chat of the player (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!mute <#userid|name> <duration(minutes)/0 (permanent)> <reason>
- Allows you to block a player's voice (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!unmute <#userid|name>
- Allows you to unlock player voice (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!gag <#userid|name> <duration(minutes)/0 (permanent)> <reason>
- Allows you to block a player's chat (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!ungag <#userid|name>
- Allows you to unlock player chat (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!csay <message>>
- say to all players (in center) (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!hsay <message>
- say to all players (in hud) (ADMFLAG_CHAT)!kick <#userid|name>
- Allows you to kick a player (ADMFLAG_KICK)!who <optional #userid|name>
- Allows you to recognize the player (ADMFLAG_GENERIC)!rcon <command>
- Allows you to send a command on behalf of the console (ADMFLAG_RCON)!slay <#userid|name>
- Allows you to kill a player (ADMFLAG_SLAY)!slap <#userid|name> <optional damage>
- Allows you to slap a player (ADMFLAG_SLAY)!setteam <#userid|name> <team (0-3)>
- Allows you to change a player's command(without death) (ADMFLAG_SLAY)!changeteam <#userid|name> <team (0-3)>
- Allows you to change a player's command(with death) (ADMFLAG_SLAY)!map <mapname>
- Allows you to change the map (ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP)!noclip <optional #userid|name>
- Allows you to enable noclip (ADMFLAG_CHEATS)!add_admin <admin_name> <steamid64> <duration(minutes)/0 (permanent)> <flags> <immunity> <optional comment>
- Allows you to add an administrator (ADMFLAG_ROOT)!remove_admin <steamid64>
- Allows you to remove an administrator (ADMFLAG_ROOT)
- Databases file:
- Maps file:
- Times and Reason file:
- Translation file: