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Tags: Permiafiglia/Xamarin.Forms



Toggle release-4.1.0-sr2's commit message


Toggle release-4.0.0-sr5's commit message


Toggle beta-4.2.0-pre2's commit message


Toggle beta-4.2.0-pre1.2's commit message


Toggle release-4.1.0-sr1's commit message
* [Github xamarin#6176](xamarin#6176) - "[X] resolve event handlers i…

…n base generic types" ([xamarin#6194](xamarin#6194))

* [Github xamarin#6543](xamarin#6543) - "[Shell] Apply Query string parameters even if they aren't present and correctly apply them to nested pages" ([xamarin#6695](xamarin#6695))
* [Github xamarin#6553](xamarin#6553) - "[iOS] Provide a base CarouselViewRenderer" ([xamarin#6686](xamarin#6686))
* [Github xamarin#6614](xamarin#6614) - "return empty dictionary instead of null" ([xamarin#6675](xamarin#6675))
* [Github xamarin#6668](xamarin#6668) - "try to generate more unique names" ([xamarin#6669](xamarin#6669))

* "[Android] RequestLayout of button if measure has changed otherwise call force layout to ensure the content will layout correctly" ([xamarin#6704](xamarin#6704))
* "[Tizen] Added support AutomationProperties" ([xamarin#6080](xamarin#6080))
* "[UWP] Fixed resetting the background color of the frame" ([xamarin#6435](xamarin#6435))
* "Unhook Page from embedded Application on disposal" ([xamarin#6735](xamarin#6735))
* [Github xamarin#4409](xamarin#4409) - "[GTK] Fix navigation" ([xamarin#6692](xamarin#6692))


Toggle beta-4.2.0-pre1's commit message
* "[Tizen] Add Checkbox" ([xamarin#6526](xamarin#6526))

* [Github xamarin#3478](xamarin#3478) - "[Tizen] Support to TabbedPage.BarTextColor, SelctedTabColor, UnselecedTabColor" ([xamarin#6183](xamarin#6183))
* [Github xamarin#4815](xamarin#4815) - "Add constructor in WkWebViewRenderer to use custom configuration" ([xamarin#6578](xamarin#6578))
* [Github xamarin#5415](xamarin#5415) - "Switch ThumbColor" ([xamarin#6312](xamarin#6312))
* [Github xamarin#5820](xamarin#5820) - "Disposed objects are not handled properly in android scrollview renderer xamarin#5820" ([xamarin#6151](xamarin#6151))
* [Github xamarin#6003](xamarin#6003) - "Add Color.ToHex()" ([xamarin#6272](xamarin#6272))
* [Github xamarin#6376](xamarin#6376) - "Adds FontImage Markup Extension for FontImageSource" ([xamarin#6398](xamarin#6398))

* "[Android] Change elevation to use float.minvalue instead of negative infinity" ([xamarin#6560](xamarin#6560))
* "[Android] Fix various issues in object dispose methods." ([xamarin#6467](xamarin#6467))
* "[Shell] don't throw exception if registering same route factory to same routename" ([xamarin#6775](xamarin#6775))
* "Allow tracking of StyleSheets" ([xamarin#6502](xamarin#6502))
* "use a BP for QueryAttributes" ([xamarin#6569](xamarin#6569))
* [Github xamarin#4410](xamarin#4410) - "4410 - Allow to set a background image for the Flyout" ([xamarin#6116](xamarin#6116))
* [Github xamarin#5996](xamarin#5996) - "[Shell] Fail when trying to add a duplicated route" ([xamarin#6613](xamarin#6613))
* [Github xamarin#6486](xamarin#6486) - "Shell lifecycle" ([xamarin#6527](xamarin#6527))
* [Github xamarin#6559](xamarin#6559) - "[Shell] MenuItem font image fix" ([xamarin#6628](xamarin#6628))

* "[Tizen] Add Checkbox" ([xamarin#6526](xamarin#6526))

* "[Tizen] Add Checkbox" ([xamarin#6526](xamarin#6526))

* "[Android] Fix various issues in object dispose methods." ([xamarin#6467](xamarin#6467))
* "[Core] Add [Parameter] attribute to constructor for CollectionView Layouts" ([xamarin#6516](xamarin#6516))
* "CollectionView Grouping iOS" ([xamarin#6590](xamarin#6590))
* "UWP CollectionView SelectionMode" ([xamarin#6629](xamarin#6629))
* [Github xamarin#6582](xamarin#6582) - "Update ItemsViewLayout.cs to Unsubscribe from itemsLayout PropertyChanged event" ([xamarin#6583](xamarin#6583))

* [Github xamarin#4268](xamarin#4268) - "EntryRenderer.cs [macOS] updated" ([xamarin#6566](xamarin#6566))
* [Github xamarin#4410](xamarin#4410) - "4410 - Allow to set a background image for the Flyout" ([xamarin#6116](xamarin#6116))
* [Github xamarin#5996](xamarin#5996) - "[Shell] Fail when trying to add a duplicated route" ([xamarin#6613](xamarin#6613))
* [Github xamarin#6222](xamarin#6222) - "Map MoveToLastRegionOnLayoutChange Property" ([xamarin#6601](xamarin#6601))
* [Github xamarin#6268]([Github xamarin#6535](xamarin#6535) - "Validate style target at runtime" ([xamarin#6677](xamarin#6677))
* [Github xamarin#6486](xamarin#6486) - "Shell lifecycle" ([xamarin#6527](xamarin#6527))
* [Github xamarin#6559](xamarin#6559) - "[Shell] MenuItem font image fix" ([xamarin#6628](xamarin#6628))
* [Github xamarin#6582](xamarin#6582) - "Update ItemsViewLayout.cs to Unsubscribe from itemsLayout PropertyChanged event" ([xamarin#6583](xamarin#6583))

* "[Android] Change elevation to use float.minvalue instead of negative infinity" ([xamarin#6560](xamarin#6560))
* "[Android] Fix various issues in object dispose methods." ([xamarin#6467](xamarin#6467))
* "[Bugfix] Catching ReflectionTypeLoadException in the VisualTypeConverter" ([xamarin#6646](xamarin#6646))
* "[Core] Add [Parameter] attribute to constructor for CollectionView Layouts" ([xamarin#6516](xamarin#6516))
* "[GTK] Fix NullReferenceException in NavigationPageRenderer" ([xamarin#6462](xamarin#6462))
* "[iOS] Make ShouldChangeText virtual" ([xamarin#6634](xamarin#6634))
* "[Shell] don't throw exception if registering same route factory to same routename" ([xamarin#6775](xamarin#6775))
* "[UWP] fixes crash after reset corner radius" ([xamarin#6744](xamarin#6744))
* "[XamlC] Correctly load addresses of values in more compiled binding paths" ([xamarin#6423](xamarin#6423))
* "[XamlC] Do not try to set a value to bound source property if unavailable" ([xamarin#6564](xamarin#6564))
* "Allow tracking of StyleSheets" ([xamarin#6502](xamarin#6502))
* "fix NRE in InvokeOnMainThreadAsync" ([xamarin#6708](xamarin#6708))
* "use a BP for QueryAttributes" ([xamarin#6569](xamarin#6569))
* "UWP CollectionView SelectionMode" ([xamarin#6629](xamarin#6629))


Toggle release-4.1.0-rc3's commit message


Toggle release-4.1.0-rc2's commit message


Toggle release-4.1.0-rc1's commit message


Toggle release-4.0.0-sr4's commit message