Patchwork Archive aims to archive original songs and covers created by VTubers. The goal of Patchwork Archive is to preserve a subset of VTuber content for preservation of culture.
Original songs and covers are archived. Short form content is archived on a case by case basis (usually it'll be archived if its a unique cover or song not available elsewhere)
All archived content was available publicly on YouTube at the time of processing.
Currently we archive the following data for each video:
- 1080p version of each video [lower if unavailable]
- Highest available resolution thumbnail (maxresdefault.jpg) [lower if unavailable]
- Metadata (in the form of .info.json generated by yt-dlp)
- All non-livechat and auto-generated captions as YouTube Timed Text
- Patchwork Archive
- Patchwork Radio - VTuber Songs and Covers Radio