This repository is concieved to provide aid in literature reiviews to Optimization researchers by offering an up-to-date list of literature and corresponding summaries.
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- Legend
- Survey Papers
- First-order Optimizers
- Second-order Optimizers
- Other Optimization-related Research
Symbol | Meaning |
📤 | Summary |
💻 | Code |
An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms Sebastian Ruder; 2016
Descending through a Crowded Valley - Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers Robin M. Schmidt, Frank Schneider, Philipp Hennig; 2020
Nesterov Accelerated Gradient momentum 📤 💻 Yuri Nesterov; Unknown
KOALA: A Kalman Optimization Algorithm with Loss Adaptivity 📤 💻 Aram Davtyan, Sepehr Sameni, Llukman Cerkezi, Givi Meishvilli, Adam Bielski, Paolo Favaro; 2021
- Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization 📤 💻 Diederik P. Kingma, Jimmy Ba; 2014
- Shampoo: Preconditioned Stochastic Tensor Optimization 📤 💻 Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Yoram Singer
- Gradient Centralization: A New Optimization Technique for Deep Neural Networks 📤 💻 Hongwei Yong, Jianqiang Huang, Xiansheng Hua, Lei Zhang; 2020
On Empirical Comparisons of Optimizers for Deep Learning 📤 Dami Choi, Christopher J. Shallue, Zachary Nado, Jaehoon Lee, Chris J. Maddison, George E. Dahl; 2019
Adam Can Converge Without Any Modification on Update Rules 📤 Yushun Zhang, Congliang Chen, Naichen Shi, Ruoyu Sun, Zhi-Quan Luo; 2022
- Gradient Descent: The Ultimate Optimizer 📤 💻 Kartik Chandra, Audrey Xie, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Erik Meijer; 2019