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lu40 edited this page Feb 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Technology used


We use the reywood:bootstrap3-sass package. bootstrap-variables.scss contains the customizable bootstrap variables and get's imported in bootstrap.scss.



Variables get stored the nearest possible to where they are used. Meaning:

  • Variables used only in the same scss block get defined locally:
.mycelium {
    $background-color: $blue;

    background-color: $background-color;
    color: darken($background-color, 10%);
  • Variables used only in the same stylesheet get defined there:
// _fungus.scss
$fungus-stress: 0;

.fungus-cap {
    stress: $fungus-stress;

.fungus-stipe {
    stress: $fungus-stress;
  • Variables used across stylesheets get defined in variables.scss


  • Local variables are named after the property they define e.g. $border-color
  • Global variables are named in a way they contain information about their use and the property they define e.g. $course-border

Code Style


Nest pseudo-classes, appended classes, pseudo-elements and @media statements if more than one. Everything else get's its own rule.

.armillaria {

    &:hover { }

    &.solidipes { }

    &::after { }

    @media (min-width: 768px) { }

.armillaria > .cap { }

.armillaria > .stipe {

    &:active { }

.armillaria > .spore::before { }


We try to keep the following order:

  1. Extends
  2. Mixins
  3. Properties (in alphabetical order, except for cases where it's not possible -> documentation needed)
  4. Pseudo-Classes
  5. Appended Classes
  6. Pseudo-Elements
  7. @Media Statements
.agaricales {
    @extend %agaricomycetes;
    @include foxfire;
    align-content: center;
    z-index: 999;
    &:first-child { }

    &.physalacriaceae { }

    &::after { }

    @media (max-width: 1920px) { }

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-> in the Issues

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