Your main quest is simple. You will create a Tooltip on the /pages/quests/tool-tip-quest.tsx using a react component that has already been built. However, you will need to work in 2 different directories to build your own component in Typescript. There are comments in both files where you are working. So if you get lost along the way, read the comments.
The only files you should be working in are:
- pages/quests/tool-tip-quest
- components/developers
🧠 This quest is to provide exercises in:
- How to clone a repository from Github.
- Use NPM (Node Package Manager) to install, and launch a project on your local machine.
- How to create your own Branch using Git.
- Create a PR (Pull Request) using Github to merge your feature with the main branch.
- Import react components and pass
📝 Extra tips:
- The codebase is written in Javascript/Typescript and React using NEXT.js.
- Use the ToolTipBox component.
- You can go solo or work on it with others.
- Have fun and learn.
Before you can begin your quest, you will need a few tools from the Ceptor Club. You will need to clone this repo to your local machine in order to start working on the feature or in this case, your “Quest”.
git clone
Once you have cloned, you will need to create and name a new branch so you can work on your feature or “quest” in your own repository.
We would like you to follow this naming convention for your branch:
git branch <yourname>
Now that you have Cloned the repo and created your very own working branch, you can begin your code adventure to implement your tooltip.
Don't forget:
- Commit your changes frequently as needed as you work through your implementation.
- Keep your implementation clean and easy to read. Readability counts when you are working together in building software.
Once you have completed your quest, you can publish your branch and create a PR (Pull Request)