Releases: OllieJones/index-wp-mysql-for-speed
Some WooCommerce tables
Add support for the WooCommerce tables wp_automatewoo_log_meta, wp_wc_orders_meta, and wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta.
cpuinfo and meminfo
1.4.19 #83 Fix ugliness in MHz displayor systems with many cores.
Security problem corrected
Security problem corrected. Please contact the author if you require details.
Fix bug in 1.4.16
1.4.17 #74 1.4.17 Back out change to avoid using __call, as it introduced a …
1.4.16 -- WordPress 4.2 - 6.5 Compatibility
WordPress 6.5 compatibility.
(no changes to keys)
Add a Database Health section to the About tab showing some performance metrics.
Avoid doing EXPLAIN DESCRIBE when capturing monitors.
Clear the dashboard upgrade nag after doing wp index-mysql status
Put backticks around table names in data definition language statements.
1.4.14 php8, streamline core-update filter, WordPress 6.3
This release corrects some php8 deprecations, streamlines the core update filtering (to avoid core updates attempting to revert keys).
It's tested with WordPress 6.3RC3.
1,4,13 -- handle MariaDB 11,x and beyond correctly.
1.4.13 #60 1.4.13 Correct version checking for MariaDB 11 and beyond.
1.4.12: automatically analyze tables, override short max_statement_time variable
Also, tested with 6.2-beta5, so claiming 6.2 support.
Support composer
Here we offer some composer support for site installation. And, we start using a new metadata and monitor upload server. And some miscellaneous bug fixes.