👋 My name is Haolin Zhang and I am focusing on Intelligent Vehicle and Autonomous Driving, and insterested in Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- 🔭 M.S. Graduated from OSU-CITR (Control and Intelligent Transportation Research), The Ohio State University (2021/05)
- ⚡ Github Homepage: [https://github.com/OSU-Haolin]
- 🔭 Work as full-time research assistant at Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Xi'an Jiaotong University (2022/06-Now)
- ⚡ Github Homepage: [https://github.com/XJTU-Haolin]
- 📚 Google Scholar
- 🏆 Internship at DeepThink, Hangzhou (Computer Vision in the field of retail business and industry) (2020/12-2021/06)
- 🏆 Worked at Dahua Technology - HuaRuiJie (Computer Vision including 2D detection, segmentation and classification in ADAS for LeapMotor) (2021/06-2022/06)
- 🏆 Faraway-Frustum for faraway object 3D detection in KITTI benchmark
- 📫 Email: zhang.10749@osu.edu, zhanghaolin1996@gmail.com, haolin19961213@163.com, Wechat: zhanghaolin1996
Last Edited on: 06/30/2022