Just a basic go command line example that find a definition of a word from Urban Dictionary API and displays the first result to the user.
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term=%s", *wordPtr)
➜ go-command-line-urban-dictionary git:(master) ✗ go build .
➜ go-command-line-urban-dictionary git:(master) ✗ ./go-command-line-urban-dictionary -h
Usage of ./go-command-line-urban-dictionary:
-word string
a string (default "foo")
use the -word
flag to pass in the word
➜ go-command-line-urban-dictionary git:(master) ✗ ./go-command-line-urban-dictionary -word=yolo
Word: YOLO
Defenition: An overused acronym for "[You only live once]." There is an [exception] for those who believe in [reincarnation] or are cats.
Example: Examples:
—I got up.
—I inhaled.
—I exhaled.
—I [took a shit].
—I [flushed] the toilet.
—I stretched.