I'm Nikola Šacka, a system engineer/web developer based in Belgrade, Serbia. With a passion for system engineering and web development, I specialize in Network engineering and providing website development services as well as educational services via WebFax. I thrive on challenges and enjoy solving complex problems.
- System engineering
- IT consulting
- Network administration
- Website development
I am proficient in:
- Programming Languages: Python, PHP, Powershell
- Technologies: Networking, Cyber security, Firewalls, Data Centers, Network design, Laravel, Flask
- Tools: Observium, VMWare, SELinux, Fail2ban, OSSEC, Wireshark, Bash, PowerShell, phpIPAM, VPN, pgAdmin (for PostgreSQL), MongoDB Compass, Microsoft Azure Portal, RANCID..
- Email nikola.sacka@lorem.in.rs
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikola-sacka/
- Visit My Portfolio
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, collaboration opportunities, or just want to connect!