Compiling for windows/code::blocks, but crashing at startup #9
first of all thanks for your work here. I compiled the bulletlib2.81 without the MultiThreaded and MiniCL parts using codeblocks in windows. I then used the project generator, added ofxBullet, also removed MultiThreaded and MiniCL from search directories and project and compiled an empty project. That worked just fine, just had to change two include paths for glu.h and glut.h. I copied the source from the SimpleExample and tried to run it, but it crashes right on start up. Funny enough: commenting out just the ofxBullet parts in testApp.cpp doesn't change anything. I also had to comment the camera positioning. Using simple of methods like ofSetColor, ofLine, ofBox, ect works just fine though
I think it might not be very ofxBullet specific, but maybe some one has an idea what to try next or how to debug that crash?
thanks in advance!