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项目周报 (2019 年 4 月 13 日 - 2019 年 4 月 20 日) #2835




上周有 79 个新 issue。
45 个 issue 已经被关闭,34 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


💚 #2834 fix(index.d.ts): 修正 RequestParams 的类型定义, by A0150315
💚 #2833 chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.14.0 to 2.17.2, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #2831 taro怎么动态修改微信小程序page标签的属性?, by wlancer1
💚 #2830 [微信小程序插件]src/plugin/config.js引入taro,最终生成的js文件引用taro npm路径错误, by tourze
💚 #2829 [微信小程序插件]requre的图片路径,最终生成的地址不对, by tourze
💚 #2828 样式刷新后就改变了, by JackonLiu
💚 #2827 docs: 删除小程序云开发项目模板文档在win10部分显示错误的字符, by A0150315
💚 #2825 在pages下面的index文件中引用其它模块导入的文件会引起编译报错, by PWDream
💚 #2824 TabBar的list里的图标,希望可以传入组件,这样更灵活一点, by jwhklk
💚 #2822 v1.2.26版本H5中调用Taro.startPullDownRefresh() 不会触发onPullDownRefresh(), by zoujunda
💚 #2820 chore(deps-dev): bump docusaurus from 1.5.1 to 1.8.1, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #2818 编译成微信小程序后 componentWillReceiveProps 这个生命周期函数的触发有问题, by RunningCoderLee
💚 #2817 usingComponents 下的内容是否应该不通过 CONFIG_MAP 处理, by tommytroylin
💚 #2814 多重map中使用临时变量与三元表达式,编译结果错误, by imageslr
💚 #2812 压缩错误, by ccqgithub
💚 #2811 父组件传参子组件,h5能接收到,小程序接收不到, by Creat155
💚 #2810 React devtools 一直Waiting for roots to load,redux devtools却正常, by joriscai
💚 #2809 WECHAT-APP-MALL 使用 taro convert 文件丢失, by BackToHappyBear
💚 #2808 希望未来能支持scss中使用资源别名引用, by catXiaoXiao
💚 #2804 云开发 云函数的目录配置问题, by taichenglu
💚 #2803 style属性在小程序和react-native上编译问题, by zWingz
💚 #2802 taro-alipay 1.2.26 版本运行报错, by wnuoer
💚 #2801 taro、小程序混写,使用include报错:Included xxx not found from xxx, by BackToHappyBear
💚 #2799 Swiper组建在设置为左右滚动的时候,会将swiper-slide宽度自动减掉16px,怎么解决, by jwhklk
💚 #2798 false渲染成‘false’, by yuquanwang
💚 #2791 如何劫持page 的声明周期, by Yang03
💚 #2787 str是一个string类型的变量,但是require(str)报错,说require()中的path必须是string类型., by zhuhuarun16
💚 #2786 fix(taro-weapp): 兼容低基础库, by lzane
💚 #2783 createAnimation 在h5动画没效果, by talentedman
💚 #2778 Input组件中文键盘输入内容重复, by raggedboy
💚 #2777 通过ref调用条件判断的组件时,用this.refName获取不到子组件实例, by CYchenyan
💚 #2770 About touchEvent in ScrollView, by Rahim-Chan
💚 #2763 taro怎么做UI测试?jest测试报着问题是什么概念?, by chankamlam
💚 #2756 请问如何实现路由监控或者自定义路由中间件?, by MikyChow


❤️ #2832 文档描述冲突, by jyjey
❤️ #2823 Taro 不支持微信小程序第三方开发getExtConfig, by JonesAtom
❤️ #2821 h5 暂时不支持 API uploadFile, by shenggen1987
❤️ #2819 ScrollView 如何使用scrollX 制作横向滑动? , by liener
❤️ #2816 Update, by A0150315
❤️ #2815 fix: postion -> position, by A0150315
❤️ #2813 fix: postion -> position, by A0150315
❤️ #2807 H5下编译报错:Cannot read property 'logInterceptor' of undefined , by imageslr
❤️ #2806 Dependabot couldn't reach as it timed out, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #2805 defineConstants不能定义为config的key?, by NauxChen
❤️ #2800 h5中 toast组件 展示的时候, 会被页面上z-index大于0的元素遮挡, 在transition变换透明度的时候, by magicbing
❤️ #2797 Picker组件关于异步设定 range与value问题, by QsonXu
❤️ #2796 微信小程序转taro之后 转译成百度小程序 报** undefined, by TangBX
❤️ #2795 组件componentWillReceiveProps有bug, by chankamlam
❤️ #2794 Dependabot couldn't reach as it timed out, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #2793 Taro 1.2.25打包H5时,报缺少webpack相关依赖, by DuduStyle
❤️ #2792 taro cli 1.2.22升级到1.2.26后小程序运行报错 Cannot read property 'id' of undefined, by flyrui316
❤️ #2790 1、修正issue#2769,swiper的destory报错的BUG, by yinlsea
❤️ #2789 从npm引用updeep包报错, by yukinight
❤️ #2788 fix(mobx):支付宝 & RN 端问题修复, by nanjingboy
❤️ #2785 npm run dev:h5 编译报错, by seasolzombie
❤️ #2784 Update, by yazakid
❤️ #2782 update, by yazakid
❤️ #2781 render时子组件返回null, by MikyChow
❤️ #2780 Dependabot couldn't reach as it timed out, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #2779 docs: add plugin.sass config, by psaren
❤️ #2776 H5 子页面继承父页面,但是子页面未执行父类的componentDidShow和 componentDidHide,componentDidMount, by dsitn201703
❤️ #2775 taro使用redux然后使用taro-ui。再加入redux。H5端会直接报错,希望解决, by lixiao258
❤️ #2774 建好taro 项目以后 安装taro -ui 总是报错, by zhcc001
❤️ #2773 小程序中无法播放mp3, by johnninja
❤️ #2772 无法播放mp3, by johnninja
❤️ #2771 Featrue/open data, by guxingke201
❤️ #2769 Swpier在h5模式下报错,componentWillUnmount没有判断mySwiper就this.mySwiper.destroy(), by yinlsea
❤️ #2768 fix(index.d.ts): 修正 Canvas 的类型定义, by Garfield550
❤️ #2767 同个组件重复出现两次或者两次以上时,className在小程序端不能编译成为class导致样式无效!, by zhuhuarun16
❤️ #2766 小程序项目中如何获取原生wx对象?, by szy4
❤️ #2765 docs: add plugins.sass config, by psaren
❤️ #2764 docs: add plugin.sass config, by psaren
❤️ #2762 fix(index.d.ts): 修正 Canvas 的类型定义, by Garfield550
❤️ #2761 关于 h5 的 onReachBottom 和 pullDownRefresh, by hyacinthus
❤️ #2760 feathub里第一个feature "react hook"的评论中出现了xss注入, by loveonelong
❤️ #2759 版本1.2.24 h5环境中 ScrollView组件 onScrollToLower方法中this 打印出来是undefined, by xingguanghui
❤️ #2758 h5调试chooseImage模拟报错, by linrf
❤️ #2757 支付宝request API 兼容问题, by junhwong
❤️ #2755 fix(h5): 修复createAnimation单位判定/添加测试, by zWingz


上周有 39 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周打开了 2 个 pull request:
💚 #2834 fix(index.d.ts): 修正 RequestParams 的类型定义, by A0150315
💚 #2827 docs: 删除小程序云开发项目模板文档在win10部分显示错误的字符, by A0150315


上周有 27 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #2833 chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.14.0 to 2.17.2, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #2820 chore(deps-dev): bump docusaurus from 1.5.1 to 1.8.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #2786 fix(taro-weapp): 兼容低基础库, by lzane
💛 #2719 fix(buildSingleComponent): 已编译组件不再重复编译, by cmideal
💛 #2661 chore(deps-dev): bump tslint-config-standard from 7.1.0 to 8.0.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #2629 Config新增disableSwipeBack 属性, by zpzxgcr
💛 #2507 feat(cli): 支持自定义项目入口文件, by deepcoldy
💛 #2459 Weapp dll, by qianzhaoy
💛 #2453 fix(taro-weapp): 在 diffObjToPath 时,如果目标数组为空,强制进行一次 setData 将其清空, by Leechael
💛 #2403 fix(transformer): 修复由于路径错误导致读取父类文件报错, by mengqingshen
💛 #2256 fix: 增加 import React from 'react' 排除报错, by imaoda
💛 #2226 fix(cli): 修复没有全局安装 @tarojs/cli 依赖的时候执行 npm run XXX 报错, by shaodahong
💛 #2167 chore(deps): [security] bump handlebars from 4.0.11 to 4.1.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #2116 chore(deps): [security] bump extend from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #2106 1.connect增加默认函数 weapp navigateTo函数增加params功能, by fangkyi03
💛 #2024 修改 项目配置文件中可以修改输出目录,重新 build 时的默认清空目录, by sage-z
💛 #2014 chore(deps): bump resolve from 1.8.1 to 1.10.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #1953 为Taro.uploadFile添加请求成功的回调, by wids1356
💛 #1930 chore(deps): bump rollup-plugin-alias from 1.4.0 to 1.5.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #1924 chore(deps): [security] bump morgan from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #1923 chore(deps): [security] bump merge from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #1918 chore(deps): [security] bump randomatic from 1.1.7 to 3.1.1, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #1612 chore(taro-swan): remove unnecessary judge, by suyingtao
💛 #1361 fix taro-cli development empty outputRoot, by NoBey
💛 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake
💛 #1294 强力压缩, by liangxingchen
💛 #1214 chore(taro-cli): fix typo, by coolzilj


上周 merge 了 10 个 pull request:

💜 #2816 Update, by A0150315
💜 #2790 1、修正issue#2769,swiper的destory报错的BUG, by yinlsea
💜 #2788 fix(mobx):支付宝 & RN 端问题修复, by nanjingboy
💜 #2784 Update, by yazakid
💜 #2782 update, by yazakid
💜 #2779 docs: add plugin.sass config, by psaren
💜 #2771 Featrue/open data, by guxingke201
💜 #2768 fix(index.d.ts): 修正 Canvas 的类型定义, by Garfield550
💜 #2755 fix(h5): 修复createAnimation单位判定/添加测试, by zWingz
💜 #2712 fix: css modules doesn't update, by yesmeck


上周共有 93 个 提交:

🛠️ chore(h5): h5端统一openapi的resolve和success参数处理 by Littly
🛠️ fix(components): 去掉了tabbar中的Array.prototype.find by Littly
🛠️ fix(taroize): onLoad 的第一个参数可以传入 this.$router.params by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 循环中匿名函数生成的 key 不应该放在 state 里 by yuche
🛠️ refactor(components-rn): 用 typescript 重写组件 by Manjiz
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ docs: fix rn docs close #2832 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(h5): 修复setNavigationBarColor重复定义的问题 by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): 修复createAnimation单位判定/添加测试 (#2755) by Littly
🛠️ docs: Update (#2816) by A0150315
🛠️ fix(h5): 修复ci的错误 by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): 修正interceptors的typo by Littly
🛠️ docs: 在taro-h5中增加了参考的注释 by Littly
🛠️ chore(rn): 优化 taro-rn 目录结构 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ feat(rn): add API chooseImage by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(h5): 修改uploadFile.js文件名 by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): h5将intercepters暴露出来, fix #2807 by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): 一批eslint问题修复 by Littly
🛠️ feat(h5): h5增加api upload/downloadFile by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): 补上PureComponents的导出 by Littly
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.27-beta.0 by luckyadam
🛠️ Merge branch 'tcr-rmexpo' by Manjiz
🛠️ feat(components-rn): add ClickableSimplified by Manjiz
🛠️ fix: css modules doesn't update (#2712) by yesmeck
🛠️ feat(components-rn): 脱离expo, example 移至 react-native init 的项目下 by Manjiz
🛠️ feat(components-rn): ts 改写 WebView 组件 by Manjiz
🛠️ fix(components-rn): Picker time 格式 hh:mm by Manjiz
🛠️ feat(components-rn): 脱离expo, example 移至 react-native init 的项目下 by Manjiz
🛠️ feat(h5): innerAudioContext的一些优化: by Littly
🛠️ fix(components): picker 单列选择更新下标问题 (close #2797) by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ feat(h5): h5增加api createInnerAudioContext by Littly
🛠️ feat(ht): h5增加api pageScrollTo by Littly
🛠️ feat(h5): h5增加api get/setClipboardData by Littly
🛠️ feat(h5): h5端姑且支持setNavigationBarColor by Littly
🛠️ fix(components): 修复某些时候swiper.destroy报错的问题 by Littly
🛠️ docs: Update by luckyadam
🛠️ docs: Update by luckyadam
🛠️ 1、修正issue#2769,swiper的destory报错的BUG (#2790) by luckyadam
🛠️ Merge pull request #2788 from nanjingboy/fix/mobx by Chen-jj
🛠️ 1、修正issue#2769,swiper的destory报错的BUG by yinlsea
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp/tt/swan/alipay): 修复 ref by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(mobx): 支付宝小程序 onTaroCollectChilds 未定义问题修复 by nanjingboy
🛠️ fix(mobx): rn 端问题修复 by nanjingboy
🛠️ fix(cli): mobx 模版依赖问题修复 by nanjingboy
🛠️ feat(component-rn): 添加 Block 组件 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(taro-rn): RN 端 Toast 相关 API Promise 化 close #2715 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ Update by yazakid
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ feat(taro-router-rn): 添加 showTabBar 和 hideTabBar 的 API by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ update by yazakid
🛠️ feat(h5): open api 功能更新 #2771 by guxingke201
🛠️ Featrue/open data (#2771) by guxingke201
🛠️ fix(component): hoverable 异常逻辑 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ docs: add plugin.sass config (#2779) by psaren
🛠️ fix(index.d.ts): 修正 Canvas 的类型定义 (#2768) by Garfield550
🛠️ chore: update yarn.lock by nanjingboy
🛠️ feat(taro-tt): 字节跳动小程序 props 改造 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(h5): canvas系列api不再使用Proxy by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): 去除promise.finally by Littly
🛠️ fix(h5): 修复父类的componentDidShow等函数被覆盖的问题 by Littly
🛠️ fix(cli): h5端增加了reachBottom等函数的容错处理 by Littly
🛠️ feat(h5): canvas系列api现在不强制传this了 by Littly
🛠️ feat(h5): 增加了chooseVideo api, videoContext api补齐 by Littly
🛠️ feat(h5): 增加createVideoContext api by Littly
🛠️ fix(transformer): 多层循环中使用箭头函数给事件传参错误,close #2551 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 增加 isEmptyProps 对 JSXSpreadAttribute 的判断 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(transformer): 循环中传匿名函数 props 需要返回值 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(taro-swan): 百度小程序重构 props 系统 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 修复没有 props 的自定义组件不初始化的问题。 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(transformer): 最后加入到 render 函数的一刻才处理 propsManager.set 的先验条件 by Chen-jj
🛠️ refactor(transformer): 删除微信 props 改造后无用的属性 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 通过 props 传递生成的匿名函数需要直接 return by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 第三方组件事件处理错误 by yuche
🛠️ feat(transformer): 如果用户没有写在循环中写 index,就生成一个匿名 index by yuche
🛠️ refactor(transformer): 如果自定义组件没有任何 props 就不需要生成 id by yuche
🛠️ test(transformer): 修复测试用例 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 不再根据 来计算 next props by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-transformer-wx): props 改造,优化组件属性过滤判断 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-transformer-wx): 自动 import 的 taro 工具包补齐 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 微信小程序 redux props 不能被覆盖 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 微信小程序 props 改造,compid 改为运行时动态打上 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 微信小程序收集自定义组件 props 过滤时过滤掉 render 开头的组件 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 不去过滤所有第三方与原生组件的 propreties by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 优化微信小程序 props 改造方案 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(taro-weapp): 微信小程序 props 改造 by Chen-jj
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.26 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(taroize): 支持 wxml catch 函数直接写 true by yuche
🛠️ fix(h5): 暂时移除chooseVideo by Littly
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(h5): 修复createAnimation单位判定/translateX缺少括号bug/添加测试 by zWingz


上周共有 16 名独立贡献者:

👤 Littly
👤 yuche
👤 Manjiz
👤 Pines-Cheng
👤 A0150315
👤 luckyadam
👤 yesmeck
👤 jinjinjin0731
👤 Chen-jj
👤 yinlsea
👤 nanjingboy
👤 yazakid
👤 guxingke201
👤 psaren
👤 Garfield550
👤 zWingz



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