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CanarySEFI is a framework for evaluating the robustness of deep learning-based image recognition models. It can evaluate model robustness and attack/defense algorithm effectiveness, encompassing 26 metrics, including 15 models pre-trained by CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Fashion-MNIST, and ImageNet (with weights), 20+ attack methods, and 10+ defense methods


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Canary SEFI

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Please refer to our 📖document 👉👉Canary Document👈👈 for using Canary.

The document you are currently reading is an early version, which is incomplete and is being edited by the author and will be updated continuously. We will provide the complete document as soon as possible, as well as the English version of the document. If you have questions, please contact for more information.


SEFI is a framework for evaluating the robustness of deep learning-based image recognition models.

It uses selected attack methods to generate adversarial samples based on selected models and uses these adversarial examples to attack any model you want. In the process, it collects data including multiple evaluation metrics to assess AI model robustness and attack method effectiveness while trying to find the best defense solution.

It also provides a toolkit containing multiple models, SOTA attack methods and defense methods, and allows users to make additional integrations themselves.

SEFI was created and is maintained by researchers at BIT.

Quick Start


We provide a stable version on PyPI, which you can install by:

python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
python -m pip install canary-sefi

We recommend that you install PyTorch beforehand. Canary requires at least PyTorch 2.0.1, but we recommend using PyTorch 2.1.1 or higher.

Example Project

We provide an Example Project located in Github, which you can directly run to try.

Please execute the following command on the terminal to clone the code locally and run the Example Project:

git clone



What models do we support?

We have supported 15 models on 4 datasets, of which all 15 models for the ImageNet dataset are available. We hope that you will participate in improving our model library and share your own model structure and weighting information to help more people.

We have built a public repository of model weights(SEFI-LW) located:

Models Substructure Dataset Fully Available Source Support GCAM? Weights Available Top-1 Acc
LeNetV5 N/A Fashion-MNIST Come Soon CNN-for-Fashion-MNIST Planned ✔SEFI-LW
AlexNet N/A Fashion-MNIST Come Soon CNN-for-Fashion-MNIST Planned ✔SEFI-LW 92.19%
AlexNet N/A ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
VGG vgg16_bn ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
VGG vgg16_bn CIFAR-10 PyTorch CIFAR10 ✔SEFI-LW
VGG vgg16_bn CIFAR-100 PyTorch CIFAR Models Planned ✔SEFI-LW
GoogLeNet N/A ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
GoogLeNet N/A CIFAR-10 PyTorch CIFAR10 ✔SEFI-LW
InceptionV3 N/A ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
InceptionV3 N/A CIFAR-10 PyTorch CIFAR10 ✔SEFI-LW
ResNet resnet50 ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
ResNet resnet50 CIFAR-10 PyTorch CIFAR10 ✔SEFI-LW
ResNet resnet56 CIFAR-100 Come Soon PyTorch CIFAR Models Planned ✔SEFI-LW 72.63%
ResNet resnet19light Fashion-MNIST Come Soon CNN-for-Fashion-MNIST Planned ✔SEFI-LW
DenseNet densenet161* ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
DenseNet densenet161 CIFAR-10 PyTorch CIFAR10 ✔SEFI-LW
SqueezeNet squeezenet1_1 ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
MobileNetV3 v3_large ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
MobileNetV2 N/A ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
MobileNetV2 N/A CIFAR-10 PyTorch CIFAR10 Planned ✔SEFI-LW
MobileNetV2 v2_x1_0 CIFAR-100 PyTorch CIFAR Models Planned ✔SEFI-LW 73.61%
ShuffleNetV2 v2_x2_0 ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
ShuffleNetV2 v2_x2_0 CIFAR-10 Come Soon PyTorch CIFAR Models N/A Waiting Upload
ShuffleNetV2 v2_x2_0 CIFAR-100 PyTorch CIFAR Models Planned ✔SEFI-LW
MNASNet mnasnet1_3 ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
EfficientNetV2 v2_s ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
VisionTransformer vit_b_32 ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
RegNet y_8gf ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
SwinTransformer swin_s ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
ConvNext convnext_base ImageNet Torchvision ✔Official
WideResNet wideresnet34_10 CIFAR-10 Come Soon PyTorch CIFAR10 Waiting Upload

What attack methods do we support?

We support 22 common attack methods, including:

Attack Methods Method Type Attack Approach Not Support Models Provide default parameters?
FGSM White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
JSMA White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
DeepFool White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
I-FGSM (BIM) White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
C&W Attack White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
MI-FGSM (MIM) Transferable Black-box Transfer, Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
SI-FGSM (SIM) Transferable Black-box Transfer, Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
NI-FGSM (NIM) Transferable Black-box Transfer, Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
VMI-FGSM (VMIM) Transferable Black-box Transfer, Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Elastic-Net Attack (EAD) White-Box Gradient None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
SSAH White-Box Gradient InceptionV3、SwinT、ViT Yes, applicable to ImageNet
One-pixel Attack (OPA) Black-Box Query, Score Not tested No
Local Search Attack (LSA) Black-Box Query, Score None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Boundary Attack (BA) Black-Box Query, Decision None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Spatial Attack (SA) Black-Box Query None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Hop Skip Jump Attack (HSJA) Black-Box Query, Decision None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Gen Attack (GA) Black-Box Query, Score None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
SPSA Black-Box Query, Score None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
Zeroth-Order Optimization (ZOO) Black-Box Query, Score Not tested No
AdvGan Black-Box Query, Score None Yes, applicable to ImageNet
TREMBA Black-Box Query, Score GoogLeNet、EfficientNetV2 Yes, applicable to ImageNet

We are looking for more good and classic attack methods to add to our library, if you are the author of a method, feel free to contribute your method. Some of the methods that are not fully tested may not be shown in the above table, but it may appear in the code earlier, if it fails to appear in the above list it means it may not be stable or have stable support for the time being.

What defense methods do we support? (Experimental)

The entire defense module is currently experimental, which means they may not be stable.

We support 8 common defense methods, including:

Defense Methods Method Type Not Support Models Provide default parameters?
NAT Adversarial Training
Mart Adversarial Training
Natural Adversarial Training
Trades Adversarial Training
Jpeg Image Processing
Quantize Image Processing
TVM Image Processing
Quilting Image Processing

We are looking for more good and classic defense methods to add to our library, if you are the author of a method, feel free to contribute your method. Some of the methods that are not fully tested may not be shown in the above table, but it may appear in the code earlier, if it fails to appear in the above list it means it may not be stable or have stable support for the time being.

What data do we support collecting?

We support the full collection of the following four types of metrics. Please refer to our Paper section 3.1 or the user manual for the specific meaning of the metrics.

Model capability measurement metrics

  • Clean Example Accuracy (Clear Accuracy, CA)
  • Clean example F1 score (Clear F1, CF)
  • Clear Confidence (CC)

Attack effectiveness measurement metrics

  • Misclassification Ratio (MR) / Targeted Attack Success (TAS)
  • Adversarial Example Confidence Change (ACC): Average Increase in Adversarial-class Confidence (AIAC) / Average Reduction in True-class Confidence (ARTC)
  • Average Class Activation Mapping Change (ACAMC)
  • Observable Transfer Rate (OTR)

Cost of attack measurement metrics

  • Calculation Time Cost (CTC)
  • Query Number Cost (QNC)
  • Average Norm Distortion(AND): Average Maximum Distortion (AMD) / Average Euclidean Distortion (AED) / Average Pixel Change Ratio (APCR)
  • Average Euclidean Distortion in Frequency Domain (AED-FD)
  • Average Metrics Similarity (AMS): Average Deep Metrics Similarity (ADMS) / Average Low-level Metrics Similarity (ALMS)

Effectiveness of defense measurement metrics

  • Model Capability Variance (MCV): Accuracy Variance (AV) / F1-Score Variance (FV) / Mean Confidence Variance (CV)
  • Rectify/Sacrifice Ratio (RR/SR)
  • Attack Capability Variance (ACV): MR Variance (MRV) / AND Variance (ANDV) / AMS Variance (AMSV)
  • Average Adversarial Confidence Change (AACC):Average Reduction in Adversarial-class Confidence (ARAC) / Average Increase in True-class Confidence (AITC)




Our main contributors are:孙家正(Jiazheng Sun)、Li Chen、Chenxiao Xia、Da Zhang、 Rong Huang、Zhi Qu、Wenqi Xiong

We are particularly grateful for:Jun Zheng 、Yu’an Tan


We sincerely hope that Canary can be helpful to you, and we also welcome you to cite our articles when using Canary to complete your research work:

  AUTHOR = {Sun, Jiazheng and Chen, Li and Xia, Chenxiao and Zhang, Da and Huang, Rong and Qiu, Zhi and Xiong, Wenqi and Zheng, Jun and Tan, Yu-An},
  TITLE = {CANARY: An Adversarial Robustness Evaluation Platform for Deep Learning Models on Image Classification},
  JOURNAL = {Electronics},
  VOLUME = {12},
  YEAR = {2023},
  NUMBER = {17},
  ARTICLE-NUMBER = {3665},
  URL = {},
  ISSN = {2079-9292},
  DOI = {10.3390/electronics12173665}


Apache 2.0 © Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)


CanarySEFI is a framework for evaluating the robustness of deep learning-based image recognition models. It can evaluate model robustness and attack/defense algorithm effectiveness, encompassing 26 metrics, including 15 models pre-trained by CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Fashion-MNIST, and ImageNet (with weights), 20+ attack methods, and 10+ defense methods







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