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Semantic Versioning for modern C++


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         _____                            _   _
        / ____|                          | | (_)
       | (___   ___ _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ | |_ _  ___
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    \/ \___|_|  |___/_|\___/|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |  \_____|
                                            __/ |

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C++ library compare and manipulate versions are available as extensions to the <major>.<minor>.<patch>-<prerelease_type>.<prerelease_number> format complying with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0


  • C++17
  • Header-only
  • Dependency-free
  • Constexpr comparison: <, <=, ==, !=, > >=
  • Constexpr from string
  • Constexpr to String
  • Create

    constexpr version v1 = version{1, 2, 3, prerelease::rc, 4};
    constexpr version v2 = v1;
  • Сomparison

    constexpr semver::version v1{1, 4, 3};
    constexpr semver::version v2{1, 2, 4, semver::prerelease::alpha, 10};
    static_assert(v1 != v2);
    static_assert(v1 > v2);
    static_assert(v1 >= v2);
    static_assert(v2 < v1);
    static_assert(v2 <= v1);
  • To string

    semver::version v{1, 2, 3, prerelease::rc, 4};
    // To string.
    std::string s1 = v.to_string(); // may throw.
    // Non-member to string.
    std::string s2 = semver::to_string(v); // may throw.
    std::array<char, 32> str = {};
    // To chars, like <>.
    auto [p, ec] = v.to_chars(, + str.size()); // constexpr and no throw.
    // Non-member to chars, like <>.
    auto [p, ec] = semver::to_chars(, + str.size(), v); // constexpr and no throw.
  • From string

    std::string_view s = "1.2.3-rc.4";
    // From chars.
    semver::version v1{s}; // constexpr and may throw.
    // User-defined literals '_version'.
    semver::version v2 = "1.2.3-rc.4"_version; // constexpr and may throw.
    // From chars, like <>.
    semver::version v3;
    auto [p, ec] = v3.to_chars(, + str.size()); // constexpr and no throw.
    // Non-member from chars, like <>.
    semver::version v4;
    auto [p, ec] = semver::to_chars(, + str.size(), v4); // constexpr and no throw.
    // Non-member from string.
    semver::version v5 = semver::from_string(s); // constexpr and may throw.
    std::optional<version> v6 = semver::from_string_noexcept(s); // constexpr and no throw.
    // From string.
    semver::version v6;
    v7.from_string(s); // constexpr and may throw.
    bool success = v8.from_string_noexcept(s); // constexpr and no throw.


You should add required file semver.hpp.

Compiler compatibility

  • Clang/LLVM >= 5
  • MSVC++ >= 14.11 / Visual Studio >= 2017
  • Xcode >= 10
  • GCC >= 7

Licensed under the MIT License