DISSECT-CF-Fog: A Simulation Environment for Analysing the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum extension for Availability zones
The evolution of the DISSECT-CF-Fog simulator has been underway since 2016 within the IoT Cloud Research Group at the University of Szeged, Hungary. It is built upon the DISSECT-CF infrastructure cloud simulator. The stable version is able to investigate the trade-offs of offloading algorithms as well as execute the scheduling of IoT workflow jobs. Main features:
- Simulating hundreds of fog and cloud nodes
- Measuring energy consumption of the nodes
- Simulating IoT applications utilising the physical resources by virtual machines
- Measuring makespan of the IoT applications
- Modelling thousands of IoT devices and sensors
- Measuring energy consumption of the IoT devices
- Detailed characteristics of the IoT entities
- Modelling IoT actuator events and IoT device mobility
- Task execution on Edge devices
- Calculating IoT and cloud costs by considering real provider's (AWS, Azure) schemas
The project currently consists of five modules; for further details please follow the links provided below:
The discrete-event, core simulator module focusing on the interoperation and analysis of IoT-Fog-Cloud systems.
An Angular-based web application module that can be used to set up a simulation and its parameters without programming.
A Spring Boot-based executor module that is able to load and execute configurations stored in a MongoDB, created by the web application module.
An Electron.js-based desktop application module that helps configure and manage scenarios utilising the time series analysis functionality of the core simulator.
Initial version of a converter module that is able to transform simple CloudSim and iFogSim scenarios to simulation in DISSECT-CF-Fog, and vice versa.
A. Markus, A. Al-Haboobi, G. Kecskemeti and Attila Kertesz. Simulating IoT Workflows in DISSECT-CF-Fog. Sensors 23, no. 3: 1294, 2023. DOI: 10.3390/s23031294
A. Markus, J. D. Dombi and A. Kertesz. Location-aware Task Allocation Strategies for IoT-Fog-Cloud Environments. 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, 185-192, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/PDP52278.2021.00037
A. Markus, P. Gacsi and A. Kertesz. Develop or Dissipate Fogs? Evaluating an IoT Application in Fog and Cloud Simulations. 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 193-203, 2020. DOI: 10.5220/0009590401930203
For any inquiries please contact by email to: markusa@inf.u-szeged.hu