Currently learning about advanced methods and unconventional strategies to break stuff.
ALWAYS studying resources from the web and staying ontop of new threats and vulnerabilities; particular CVE's, malware, and various attacks. Particularly interested in LOTL Attacks.
Turned an old comp into a hacking dojo and tool testing grounds.
Familiar with Windows, Mac, and multiple debian-based distros. Running Parrot Sec & Kali; VM & bare metal are both cool.
Familiarized black arch in 2023
The infinite cycle of install VM -> delete VM -> reinstall VM
Looking to collaborate on anything related to the field above to make earth a better place. Always willing to learn with an open mind about anything to improve the world and the lives of others.
How to reach me ... shoot me a DM: https://twitter.com/ANIMAL_MOTH3R
Can't sleep but will try.