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Repository files navigation

PD Lecture Notes

To Get The latest updates for lecture notes

  1. Install Git on local machine (If you don't have Git installed)
    • Download Git
    • First time setup :
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
  1. Clone the repository to local machine
git clone
  1. Pull the latest changes every time before viewing the files
git pull

Files are in .md format (Obsidian)

  1. Best way to view the files is to use obsidian

  2. Open the folder in obsidian as vault Open folder as vault

  3. Open the file you want to view in obsidian

  • you can search in all files
  • use ctrl+p to search for commands

To Get latest updates for lectures notes Automatically

  1. Install Git plugin From Community plugins
  • settings => community plugins => turn off Restricted mode

  • Browse community plugins

community plugins

  • search for Git => install Git plugin -> enable plugin

  • set Git plugin options

  • auto pull X ( up to you ) minutes


To Contribute

  1. Fork the repository

    • Navigate to the repository on GitHub
    • Click on the Fork button in the top-right corner to create a copy in your GitHub account
  2. Clone your forked repository

    • Copy the URL of your forked repository
    • Open your terminal and navigate to the desired directory
    • Run the following command:
    git clone <url-of-your-forked-repository>   
  3. Create a new branch

       git checkout -b <branch-name>
  4. Make changes to the files

  5. Add the changes to staging area

       git add .
  6. Commit the changes

       git commit -m "commit message"
  7. Push the changes to remote repository

       git push origin <branch-name>
  8. Create a pull request from Github website

    • Navigate to the original repository on GitHub
    • You should see a prompt to create a pull request from your forked repository
    • Click on the "Create Pull Request" button and follow the instructions to create a PR
    • Your PR will be reviewed
    • Once approved, your PR will be merged into the main branch



My lecture notes - PD Track ITI Mansoura





Contributors 3

