Welcome to the Mission Support System software for planning atmospheric research flights. This document is intended to point you into the right direction in order to get the software working on your computer.
- For Windows, go here
- Right click on the webpage and select "Save as..." to download the file
- Double click the downloaded file and follow further instructions
- For fully automatic installation, open cmd and execute it with
/Path/To/Windows.bat -a
- For fully automatic installation, open cmd and execute it with
- For Linux/Mac, go here
- Right click on the webpage and select "Save as..." to download the file
- Make it executable via
chmod +x LinuxMac.sh
- Execute it and follow further instructions
- For fully automatic installation, run it with the -a parameter
./LinuxMac.sh -a
- For fully automatic installation, run it with the -a parameter
Installing MSS
from the conda-forge
channel can be achieved by adding conda-forge
to your channels with:
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
Once the conda-forge
channel has been enabled, mss
can be installed with:
$ conda create -n mssenv mamba
$ conda activate mssenv
(mssenv) $ mamba install mss python
(mssenv) $ msui
It is possible to list all versions of mss
available on your platform with:
$ mamba search mss --channel conda-forge
Please read the reference documentation
Rautenhaus, M., Bauer, G., and Doernbrack, A.: A web service based tool to plan atmospheric research flights, Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 55-71, doi:10.5194/gmd-5-55-2012, 2012.
and the paper's Supplement (which includes a tutorial) before using the application. The documents are available at:
- http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/5/55/2012/gmd-5-55-2012.pdf
- http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/5/55/2012/gmd-5-55-2012-supplement.pdf
For copyright information, please see the files NOTICE and LICENSE, located in the same directory as this README file.
When using this software, please be so kind and acknowledge its use by citing the above mentioned reference documentation in publications, presentations, reports, etc. that you create. Thank you very much.