is a single-header library that provides a simple implementation of a lighting system for raylib.
- Directional Lights: Simulate sunlight or other distant light sources.
- Omni-Directional Lights: Point lights that emit in all directions.
- Spotlights: Lights with a specific direction and cone of influence.
- PBR: Supports Physically Based Rendering (PBR) including Occlusion, Roughness, and Metalness (ORM), with Burley diffuse and SchlickGGX specularity.
- Normal Mapping: Adds depth and detail to surfaces without increasing polygon count.
- Parallax Mapping: Creates an illusion of depth by displacing the texture coordinates, enhancing the surface detail with minimal geometry.
- Shadow Mapping: Allows the rendering of cast shadows in your scenes.
- Integrated Shaders: The header already contains all the shaders, but you can also use your own shaders.
Using rlights.h
is straightforward. Include the header file in your project with the following setup:
#include "rlights.h"
WARNING: Shadow rendering for omnidirectional lights in their current implementation requires support for depth cubemaps, a feature not yet supported by raylib/rlgl. Therefore, this repository includes Glad headers, which will be used by default if you have not defined (e.g.) #define GL_HEADER "GL.h"
before including rlights.h
. You also have the option to define an optional second header with GL_EXT_HEADER
for necessary extensions if needed.
Here's a basic example demonstrating how to set up and use rlights.h
with raylib:
#include "raylib.h"
#define GLSL_VERSION 330 ///< or 120/130/etc.. 100 is default if 'PLATFORM_DESKTOP' is not defined
#include "rlights.h"
int main(void)
InitWindow(800, 600, "basic example");
Camera camera = {
.position = (Vector3) { 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f },
.target = (Vector3) { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
.up = (Vector3) { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
.fovy = 45.0f
RLG_Context rlgCtx = RLG_CreateContext(1);
RLG_UseLight(0, true);
RLG_SetLightVec3(0, RLG_LIGHT_POSITION, camera.position);
Model cube = LoadModelFromMesh(GenMeshCube(1, 1, 1));
while (!WindowShouldClose())
UpdateCamera(&camera, CAMERA_ORBITAL);
RLG_DrawModel(cube, Vector3Zero(), 1, WHITE);
return 0;
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
/* Context Management */
RLG_Context RLG_CreateContext(unsigned int lightCount);
void RLG_DestroyContext(RLG_Context ctx);
void RLG_SetContext(RLG_Context ctx);
RLG_Context RLG_GetContext(void);
void RLG_SetCustomShaderCode(RLG_Shader shader, const char *vsCode, const char *fsCode);
const Shader* RLG_GetShader(RLG_Shader shader);
/* Management of Specific Variables */
void RLG_SetViewPosition(float x, float y, float z);
void RLG_SetViewPositionV(Vector3 position);
Vector3 RLG_GetViewPosition(void);
void RLG_SetAmbientColor(Color color);
Color RLG_GetAmbientColor(void);
void RLG_SetParallaxLayers(int min, int max);
void RLG_GetParallaxLayers(int* min, int* max);
/* Materials Management */
void RLG_UseMap(MaterialMapIndex mapIndex, bool active);
bool RLG_IsMapUsed(MaterialMapIndex mapIndex);
void RLG_UseDefaultMap(MaterialMapIndex mapIndex, bool active);
void RLG_SetDefaultMap(MaterialMapIndex mapIndex, MaterialMap map);
MaterialMap RLG_GetDefaultMap(MaterialMapIndex mapIndex);
bool RLG_IsDefaultMapUsed(MaterialMapIndex mapIndex);
/* Lighting Management */
unsigned int RLG_GetLightcount(void);
void RLG_UseLight(unsigned int light, bool active);
bool RLG_IsLightUsed(unsigned int light);
void RLG_ToggleLight(unsigned int light);
void RLG_SetLightType(unsigned int light, RLG_LightType type);
RLG_LightType RLG_GetLightType(unsigned int light);
void RLG_SetLightValue(unsigned int light, RLG_LightProperty property, float value);
void RLG_SetLightXYZ(unsigned int light, RLG_LightProperty property, float x, float y, float z);
void RLG_SetLightVec3(unsigned int light, RLG_LightProperty property, Vector3 value);
void RLG_SetLightColor(unsigned int light, Color color);
float RLG_GetLightValue(unsigned int light, RLG_LightProperty property);
Vector3 RLG_GetLightVec3(unsigned int light, RLG_LightProperty property);
Color RLG_GetLightColor(unsigned int light);
void RLG_LightTranslate(unsigned int light, float x, float y, float z);
void RLG_LightTranslateV(unsigned int light, Vector3 v);
void RLG_LightRotateX(unsigned int light, float degrees);
void RLG_LightRotateY(unsigned int light, float degrees);
void RLG_LightRotateZ(unsigned int light, float degrees);
void RLG_LightRotate(unsigned int light, Vector3 axis, float degrees);
void RLG_SetLightTarget(unsigned int light, float x, float y, float z);
void RLG_SetLightTargetV(unsigned int light, Vector3 targetPosition);
Vector3 RLG_GetLightTarget(unsigned int light);
/* Shadow Casting Management */
void RLG_EnableShadow(unsigned int light, int shadowMapResolution);
void RLG_DisableShadow(unsigned int light);
bool RLG_IsShadowEnabled(unsigned int light);
void RLG_SetShadowBias(unsigned int light, float value);
float RLG_GetShadowBias(unsigned int light);
void RLG_UpdateShadowMap(unsigned int light, RLG_DrawFunc drawFunc);
Texture RLG_GetShadowMap(unsigned int light);
void RLG_CastMesh(Shader shader, Mesh mesh, Matrix transform);
void RLG_CastModel(Shader shader, Model model, Vector3 position, float scale);
void RLG_CastModelEx(Shader shader, Model model, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotationAxis, float rotationAngle, Vector3 scale);
/* Mesh/Model Drawing Functions */
void RLG_DrawMesh(Mesh mesh, Material material, Matrix transform);
void RLG_DrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color tint);
void RLG_DrawModelEx(Model model, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotationAxis, float rotationAngle, Vector3 scale, Color tint);
/* Fonctions de gestion des skyboxes */
RLG_Skybox RLG_LoadSkybox(const char* skyboxFileName);
RLG_Skybox RLG_LoadSkyboxHDR(const char* skyboxFileName, int size, int format);
void RLG_UnloadSkybox(RLG_Skybox skybox);
void RLG_DrawSkybox(RLG_Skybox skybox);