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LOVE Async Loading library. Uses multiple thread to load your assets (depends on amount of CPU)


This code snippet displays "Loading image" if the image hasn't been loaded and "Loading song" if the audio hasn't been loaded

local lily = require("lily")
local myimage
local mysound

function love.load()
	lily.newImage("image.png"):onComplete(function(userdata, image)
		-- In v2.0, there's "userdata" before the return value
		myimage = image
	lily.newSource("song.wav"):onComplete(function(userdata, sound)
		-- In v2.0, there's "userdata" before the return value
		mysound = sound

function love.draw()
	if myimage then, 0, 24, 0, 0.25, 0.25)
	else"Loading image") end
	if not(mysound) then"Loading song", 0, 12) end

Example of multi loading

local lily = require("lily")

function love.load()
	multilily = lily.loadMulti({
		{"newImage", "image1-0.png"},	-- You can use string
		{lily.newImage, love.filesystem.newFile("image1-1.png")},	-- or the function object
	local a = love.timer.getTime()
	multilily:onComplete(function(_, lilies)
		image1 = lilies[1][1]
		image2 = lilies[2][1]

function love.update() end
function love.draw()
	if multilily:isComplete() then, -1024, -1024)


Put lily.lua and lily_thread.lua in your LOVE game and require("lily"). Or use lily_single.lua and require("lily_single").

How it Works

Lily tries to load the asset, which can be time consuming, into another thread, called "TaskPool". When Lily is loaded, it creates n-amount of "TaskPool", where n depends on how many CPU core you have. This allows the main thread to keep rendering while the other thread do the asset loading. If you have more CPU cores, this is even better because the asset loading will be scattered across "TaskPool" (by selecting "TaskPool" which has least amount of pending tasks). CPU core detection requires love.system module. Although it's possible to use Lily without love.system by using other methods to find amount of CPU core, such strategy can fail under some system configuration and fallback to 1 "TaskPool".

Why there's no lily.update() (like loader.update() in love-loader)? Lily takes advantage that love.event.push is thread-safe and in fact LOVE allows custom event which can be added via love.handlers table. So, instead of using Channel to pass the loaded asset to Lily main thread, Lily register it's own event and then the other thread will send LOVE event using love.thread.push. LOVE will read that this event comes from Lily "TaskPool" thread, then execute Lily event handler, which returns the loaded asset ready to use.


Most Lily function to create threaded asset follows LOVE name, like newSource for loading playable audio, newImage for loading drawable image, and such. Additionally, Lily expose these additional function.

To call the async version of LOVE function, see function below. The function argument and the return value follows LOVE argument name unless noted. Lily only expose function if the corresponding LOVE module is loaded, so load Lily after you require your necessary LOVE modules.

Available functions:

  • newSource (

  • append (love.filesystem.append)

  • newFileData (love.filesystem.newFileData)

  • read (

  • readFile(File, ...) (File:read(...))

  • write (love.filesystem.write)

  • writeFile(File, ...) (File:write(...))

  • newFont (

  • newImage (

  • newVideo (

  • encodeImageData(ImageData, ...) (ImageData:encode(...))

  • newImageData (love.image.newImageData)

  • newCompressedData (love.image.newCompressedData)

  • pasteImageData(ImageData, ...) (ImageData:paste(...))

  • compress(format, data, level; returns string) (love.math.compress(data, format, level)) *

  • decompress(format, data; returns string) (love.math.decompress(data, format)) *

  • newSoundData (love.sound.newSoundData)

  • newVideoStream (

* - The used function is different in LOVE 0.11.0, but it still can be used and the function name (and signature) in Lily remains same.

number lily.getThreadCount()

Returns: Amount of threads used by Lily. This is mostly likely amount of logical CPU available.

When love.system is not loaded, it uses other ways to get the amount of logical CPU. If all else fails, fallback to 1

table lily.getThreadsTaskCount()

Retrieves the total pending task for every thread.

Returns: Table with n-elements depending on lily.getThreadCount().

void lily.quit()

Uninitializes Lily.

This function should only be called if you plan restarting your game with love.event.quit("restart"). This is true when using LOVE under iOS!

MultiLilyObject lily.loadMulti(table list)

Loads multiple object simultaneously.

It expects list as table with these information

	{lily_function_name or lily_function, arg1, arg2, ...},

The index will be used as lilyindex in below documentation to refer at nth-LilyObject.

Returns: MultiLilyObject

(Multi)LilyObject (Multi)LilyObject:onComplete(function complete_callback)

Sets new function as callback when the asset is loaded. Default to noop. Function signature is:

  • void complete_callback(any userdata, any value1, any value2, ...) (value is the result of such function) (for LilyObject)

  • void complete_callback(any userdata, table lily_return_values) (lily_return_values[lilyindex] is return value of correctponding nth-LilyObject in table)

Returns: itself

(Multi)LilyObject (Multi)LilyObject:onError(function error_callback)

Sets new function as callback when there's error when loading asset. Default to Lua built-in error function. Function signature is:

  • void error_callback(any userdata, string error_message) (for LilyObject)

  • void error_callback(any userdata, number lilyindex, string error_message) (for MultiLilyObject)

Returns: itself

(Multi)LilyObject (Multi)LilyObject:setUserData(any userdata)

Sets the userdata. It can be any user-supplied data.

Returns: itself

MultiLilyObject MultiLilyObject:onLoaded(function loaded_callback)

Sets new function as callback when LilyObject asset is loaded. Function signature is void loaded_callback(any userdata, number lilyindex, any value1, any value2, ...)

valuen depends on nth-LilyObject (correstpond to lilyindex).

Returns: itself

bool (Multi)LilyObject:isComplete()

Returns: true if specificed object fully loaded, false otherwise.

value1, value2, ... LilyObject:getValues()

value1, value2, ... MultiLilyObject:getValues(number lilyindex)

Get the result value of corresponding Lily request. Throws error if request is still incomplete.

Returns: Value depends on Lily request

table MultiLilyObject:getValues()

Gets all result value from all LilyObject.

Returns: table, where at index n is correstpond to nth-LilyObject.


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