To maximize resources and minimize troubleshooting, perform a clean install or refresh of Windows. Update your system, Enable VT-x in BIOS if possible, and uninstall all unnecessary programs.
You can remove many pre-installed apps using the RemoveDefaultApps script in this repository.
Be sure to enable file extensions in Windows Explorer.
For the first week, we will need the following tools installed:
- Git for Windows
- Oracle JDK 8 (Alternative: OpenJDK)
- Apache Maven
- Spring Tool Suite
Either manually download and install each tool, or follow the instructions below using the Chocolatey package manager for Windows.
Install Chocolatey
- Open
as an administrator. - Run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
- Agree to all changes
- Run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- Open
Open a new
window as an administrator and run the following commands: -
To install Git for Windows:
choco install git
To install Oracle JDK 8:
choco install jdk8
4a) Alternatively, use
choco install
and an OpenJDK distribution of your choosing:choco install adoptopenjdk8 choco install zulu8 choco install corretto8jdk
To install Apache Maven:
choco install maven
5a) If using an OpenJDK distribution of Java, you should install Maven with the following command to avoid accidentally installing OracleJDK:
choco install maven --ignore-dependencies
To install Spring Tool Suite:
choco install springtoolsuite
To confirm all tools are properly installed and configured, be sure the following commands return no errors:
git -v
java -version
javac -version
mvn -v
and javac
should only reference Java 8.
You should pin the shortcut to STS. All above tools can be installed at once for convenience using the following command:
choco install -y git jdk8 maven springtoolsuite
To use PostgreSQL database, either install them locally or create a RDS instance on AWS.
Install the database:
choco install postgresql
Install a client tool to manage the database:
2a) To use pgAdmin3
choco install pgadmin3
2b) To use pgAdmin4
choco install pgadmin4
2c) To use DBeaver
choco install dbeaver