Version 3.6.0
Beta Release
This project has all basic miners, but need more miners and updates.
Important Note!
AMD requires clinfo installed. `apt-get install clinfo` will install it in linux.
If the above is too confusing, use -Opencl [AMD Platform]
Miniz was thought to be working at time of release, but found issues...Will fix in next relase.
Fixed OpenCl
miniz added.
gminer amd added.
lolminer added- SPECIAL NOTE: Will only work for NVIDIA1 due to api. Will only work for AMD1 if using AMD and NVIDIA.
neoscrypt added back in (Saw high on
Get Wallets not working.
More miners are coming soon.
Suggested Settings- What I as the Dev use.
-Auto_Coin Yes (use coin for calculations when applicable)
-Stat_Coin live (Mine based on individual coin statistics live values)
-Stat_Algo Live (Use live data for algorithms)
-Min_Blocks 4 (Don't mine anything that is going to take more than 6 hours to find)
-historical_bias 1:1 (Don't penalize based on historical data- Too much new activity now)
-Hashrate_Threshold 10 (Don't switch miner on same algorithm unless it falls below 10% hashrate of next best miner)
-Switch_Threshold 5 (Don't switch unless next profitable item is at least 5% better)Discord Support/Discussion
Follow Link: SWARM DiscordAntivirus
SWARM accesses registry and PCI details, along with other modifications to create compatibility with HiveOS website in Windows. SWARM and its built-in modules will set off Windows Antivirus Protection. This cannot be prevented. SWARM also runs as administrator so that overclocking can be set on GPUs.Setup
HiveOS & LinuxWindowsUpdating
Simply add the corresponding link (tar.gz = linux, .zip = windows) to your flight sheet url.