👋 Hi, I’m @MartinGross
👀 I’m interested in software development, DevOps culture, agility and lean thinking
🌱 I’m learning everyday and write about it at https://blog.fluxum.net/
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on a better future
📫 How to reach me
👋 Hi, I’m @MartinGross
👀 I’m interested in software development, DevOps culture, agility and lean thinking
🌱 I’m learning everyday and write about it at https://blog.fluxum.net/
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on a better future
📫 How to reach me
Forked from twbs/bootstrap
HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter
JavaScript 1
Forked from czarneckid/twitter-bootstrap-examples-haml
Twitter Bootstrap Example Templates in Haml
JavaScript 1
Forked from eclipse-vertx/vert.x
vert.x - Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise
Java 1