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TLDExtract is a Swift package to allows you extract

  • root domain
  • top level domain (TLD)
  • second level domain
  • subdomain

from a URL or a hostname String.

This is a fork to Kojiro Futamura's fantastic work on gumob/TLDExtractSwift.

Main differences to the original repo

  • Always up-to-date
    • leveraging GitHub actions to regularly create new package versions bundling the latest Public Suffix List (PSL) - perfect for offline use
    • modern async function to invoke a network request fetching the latest PSL from the remote server ad-hoc.
  • Swift Package Manager (SPM) as the exclusive distribution channel
  • No package dependencies

If you want to consume the library through CocoaPods or Carthage then please go ahead and use the original repository.



import TLDExtract

let extractor = TLDExtract()


Passing argument as String

Extract an url:

let urlString: String = ""
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(urlString) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("com")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("github")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www")

Extract a hostname:

let hostname: String = ""
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(hostname) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("com")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("gumob")
print(result.subDomain)         // nil

Extract an unicode hostname:

let hostname: String = "www.ラーメン.寿司"
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(hostname) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("寿司")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("寿司")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.ラーメン")

Extract a punycoded hostname (Same as above):

let hostname: String = "")"
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(hostname) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("xn--sprr0q")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.xn--4dkp5a8a")

Passing argument as Foundation URL

Extract an unicode url:
URL class in Foundation Framework does not support unicode URLs by default. You can use URL extension as a workaround

let urlString: String = "http://www.ラーメン.寿司"
let url: URL = URL(unicodeString: urlString)
guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(url) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("www.ラーメン.寿司")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("寿司")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.ラーメン")

Encode an url by passing argument as percent encoded string (Same as above):

let urlString: String = "http://www.ラーメン.寿司".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
let url: URL = URL(string: urlString)
print(urlString)                //

guard let result: TLDResult = extractor.parse(url) else { return }

print(result.rootDomain)        // Optional("www.ラーメン.寿司")
print(result.topLevelDomain)    // Optional("")
print(result.secondLevelDomain) // Optional("寿司")
print(result.subDomain)         // Optional("www.ラーメン")

Ad-hoc fetching of PSL

This repository publishes new versions with the latest PSL regularly. This should be sufficient for most app developers assuming you are updating to the latest version.

Nevertheless, an async function allows to invoke a network request fetching the latest PSL from the remote server ad-hoc.

import TLDExtract

let extractor = TLDExtract()
try await extractor.fetchLatestPSL()

Requires network connectivity!