An Example Todo Project using Clean Architecture and following strict code structure and lint rules.
- lib
- l10n
- app_{lang_code}.arb
- src
- app
- flavors
- injection
- app.dart
- core
- base
- configs
- app_config.dart
- constants
- colors
- constraints
- constraints.dart
- enums
- themes
- typography?
- device
- connection_info.dart
- network_info.dart
- error
- exception_to_failure_mapper.dart
- exceptions.dart
- failure_codes.dart
- failures.dart
- utils
- convertors
- route_information_to_uri.dart
- validators
- validators.dart
- convertors
- external
- external_libraries_wrappers
- features
- shared
- feature_S
- feature_A
- data
- models
- sources
- repositories
- domain
- dtos
- entities
- repositories
- usecases
- presentation
- blocs
- {name1}_bloc
- {name2}_bloc...
- pages
- {name}_page.dart
- widgets
- blocs
- routes
- location.dart
- data
- {feature_name}...
- shared
- routes
- app
- bootstrap.dart
- main.dart
- l10n
- * Models are just an extension of Entities that adds Serialization/Deserialization functionality.
- * For a complex and large project we can use Entities instead of Models by adding Serialization/Deserialization functionality directly into the Entity Class.
intl: ^0.17.0
sdk: flutter
version: ^0.0.0
flutter_bloc: ^8.0.0
equatable: ^2.0.3
dartz: ^0.10.1
simple_connection_checker: ^0.2.1
connectivity_plus: ^2.2.1
get_it: ^7.2.0
gap: ^2.0.0
injectable: ^1.5.3
freezed_annotation: ^1.1.0
beamer: ^1.3.0
flutter_lints: ^1.0.4
build_runner: ^2.1.7
freezed: ">=1.0.0 <1.1.1"
bloc_test: ^9.0.3
# analysis_options.yaml
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
# always_use_package_imports: true
cancel_subscriptions: true
throw_in_finally: true
unnecessary_statements: true
always_declare_return_types: true
avoid_types_on_closure_parameters: true
directives_ordering: true
flutter_style_todos: true
lines_longer_than_80_chars: true
noop_primitive_operations: true
public_member_api_docs: true
sized_box_shrink_expand: true
sort_child_properties_last: true
sort_constructors_first: true
type_annotate_public_apis: true
unnecessary_lambdas: true
unnecessary_late: true
unnecessary_parenthesis: true
use_decorated_box: true
use_named_constants: true
use_string_buffers: true
use_to_and_as_if_applicable: true
prefer_relative_imports: true
await_only_futures: true
prefer_void_to_null: true
use_build_context_synchronously: true
prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables: true
avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions: true
avoid_catching_errors: true
avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes: true
- "**/*.g.dart"
- "**/*.freezed.dart"
invalid_annotation_target: ignore
- Add key, value and description(only in case of app_en.arb) to lib/l10n/app_{lang_code}.arb
- run
flutter gen-l10n
Note: If localization.local_key
showing error just restart dart analyzer.