Unlimited storage of NFT data on IPFS, backed by Filecoin and provided free to NFTHack participants during the hackathon.
yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler
wrangler login
# when using personal accounts you may need to manually change the `account_id` inside `wrangler.toml`
Go to auth0.com create an account and create two "REGULAR WEB APPLICATION" applications one for dev and another for production. In the settings of each application you will find the secrets needed to complete the initial setup.
This only needs to be ran once when setting up from scratch.
Open wrangler.toml
and delete everything inside the root kv_namespaces
array so wrangler
doesn't get confused.
cd site
yarn install
# dev and preview KVs
wrangler kv:namespace create USERS --preview
# cli output something like: `{ binding = "USERS", preview_id = "7e441603d1bc4d5a87f6cecb959018e4" }`
# but you need to put `{ binding = "USERS", preview_id = "7e441603d1bc4d5a87f6cecb959018e4", id = "7e441603d1bc4d5a87f6cecb959018e4" }` inside the `kv_namespaces`.
wrangler kv:namespace create SESSION --preview
# same as above
wrangler kv:namespace create CSRF --preview
# same as above
wrangler kv:namespace create NFTS --preview
# same as above
Go to /site/src/constants.js
uncomment the first line and run wrangler publish
# dev and preview secrets
wrangler secret put AUTH0_DOMAIN # Get from auth0 account
wrangler secret put AUTH0_CLIENT_ID # Get from auth0 account
wrangler secret put AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET # Get from auth0 account
wrangler secret put SALT # open `https://csprng.xyz/v1/api` in the browser and use the value of `Data`
wrangler secret put PINATA_JWT # Get from Pinata
Go to /site/src/constants.js
comment the first line and run wrangler publish
# production KVs
wrangler kv:namespace create USERS --env production
# Follow the instructions from the cli output
wrangler kv:namespace create SESSION --env production
# Follow the instructions from the cli output
wrangler kv:namespace create CSRF --env production
# Follow the instructions from the cli output
wrangler kv:namespace create NFTS --env production
# Follow the instructions from the cli output
wrangler secret put AUTH0_DOMAIN --env production # Get from auth0 account
wrangler secret put AUTH0_CLIENT_ID --env production # Get from auth0 account
wrangler secret put AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET --env production # Get from auth0 account
wrangler secret put SALT --env production # open `https://csprng.xyz/v1/api` in the browser and use the value of `Data`
wrangler secret put PINATA_JWT --env production # Get from Pinata
wrangler publish --env production
cd site
yarn install
yarn start
yarn deploy