MailCore 2 is available through Swift Package Manager.
- In Xcode click
->Swift Packages
->Add Package Dependency...
- Paste the following URL:
- On the
Choose Package Options
screen, underRules
switch fromVersion
(Branch: master
) will be the default - Click
The following steps are to resolve an issue with the current version of Xcode 12, once the issue is fixed they will be unnecessary and removed.
- Select
->Build Phases
- Click
->New Copy Files Phase
, then changeDestination
in new build phase - Click
->New Run Script Phase
, then paste the script box:
if [ "$PLATFORM_NAME" == "macosx" ]
echo "Signing framework at: $FRAMEWORK_PATH"
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY} --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements "$FRAMEWORK_PATH"
MailCore 2 is available through Carthage.
Add this line to the Cartfile
github "MailCore/mailcore2"
Here you can find Instructions for install Carthage.
MailCore 2 is available on CocoaPods.
For iOS:
pod 'mailcore2-ios'
For OS X:
pod 'mailcore2-osx'
For iOS: Download the latest build for iOS.
For OS X: Download the latest build for OS X.
- If you're migrating from MailCore1, you should first clean your build folder.
- Checkout MailCore2 into a directory relative to your project.
- Under the
directory, locate themailcore2.xcodeproj
file, and drag this into your Xcode project. - For Mac - If you're building for Mac, you can either link against MailCore 2 as a framework, or as a static library:
- Mac framework
- Go to Build Phases from your build target, and under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add
. - Make sure to use LLVM C++ standard library. Open Build Settings, scroll down to 'C++ Standard Library', and select
. - In Build Phases, add a Target Dependency of
mailcore osx
(it's the one with a little toolbox icon). - Goto
Editor > Add Build Phase > Copy Files
. - Expand the newly created Build Phase and change it's destination to "Frameworks".
- Click the
icon and selectMailCore.framework
- Go to Build Phases from your build target, and under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add
- Mac static library
- Go to Build Phases from your build target, and under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add
. - Set 'Other Linker Flags' under Build Settings:
-lctemplate -letpan -lxml2 -lsasl2 -liconv -ltidy -lz
-lc++ -stdlib=libc++ -ObjC -lresolv
- Make sure to use LLVM C++ standard library. In Build Settings, locate 'C++ Standard Library', and select
. - In Build Phases, add a Target Dependency of
static mailcore2 osx
- Go to Build Phases from your build target, and under 'Link Binary With Libraries', add
- Mac framework
- For iOS - If you're targeting iOS, you have to link against MailCore 2 as a static library:
- Add
- Add
- Add
- Set 'Other Linker Flags':
-lctemplate-ios -letpan-ios -lxml2 -lsasl2 -liconv -ltidy -lz
-lc++ -lresolv -stdlib=libc++ -ObjC
- Make sure to use LLVM C++ standard library. Open Build Settings, scroll down to 'C++ Standard Library', and select
. - In Build Phases, add a Target Dependency of
static mailcore2 ios
- Add
- For Swift - If you are using Mailcore in a Swift project you also need to complete the following steps:
- Create a new header file in your project and name it
. - Remove any template code from the file and add
#import <MailCore/MailCore.h>
- In your target settings search for Objective-c Bridging Header and add a link to your bridging header.
- You do not need to import Mailcore in any of your classes as the bridging header takes care of this automatically.
- Create a new header file in your project and name it
- Profit.
Here's a video that shows all the steps for iOS: