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Highly Customizable AI Research Agent just like NotebookLM or Perplexity, connected to external sources such as search engines (Tavily), Slack, Notion, and more.


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While tools like NotebookLM and Perplexity are impressive and highly effective for conducting research on any topic, SurfSense elevates this capability by integrating with your personal knowledge base. It is a highly customizable AI research agent, connected to external sources such as search engines (Tavily), Slack, Notion, and more to come.



Key Features

1. Latest

💡 Idea:

Have your own highly customizable private NotebookLM and Perplexity integrated with external sources.

📁 Multiple File Format Uploading Support

Save content from your own personal files (Documents, images and supports 27 file extensions) to your own personal knowledge base .

🔍 Powerful Search

Quickly research or find anything in your saved content .

💬 Chat with your Saved Content

Interact in Natural Language and get cited answers.

📄 Cited Answers

Get Cited answers just like Perplexity.

🔔 Privacy & Local LLM Support

Works Flawlessly with Ollama local LLMs.

🏠 Self Hostable

Open source and easy to deploy locally.

📊 Advanced RAG Techniques

  • Supports 150+ LLM's
  • Supports 6000+ Embedding Models.
  • Supports all major Rerankers (Pinecode, Cohere, Flashrank etc)
  • Uses Hierarchical Indices (2 tiered RAG setup).
  • Utilizes Hybrid Search (Semantic + Full Text Search combined with Reciprocal Rank Fusion).
  • RAG as a Service API Backend.

ℹ️ External Sources

  • Search Engines (Tavily)
  • Slack
  • Notion
  • and more to come.....

2. Temporarily Deprecated

Cross Browser Extension

  • The SurfSense extension is currently being reworked for better UI and stability. Expect it soon.


  • The SurfSense Podcast feature is currently being reworked for better UI and stability. Expect it soon.

How to get started?


File Uploading Support

For File uploading you need API key. You can get it at


SurfSense now only works with Google OAuth. Make sure to set your OAuth Client at . We need client id and client secret for backend.


Crawler Support

SurfSense currently uses right now. Playwright crawler support will be added soon.


This is the core of SurfSense. Before we begin let's look at .env variables' that we need to successfully setup SurfSense.

DATABASE_URL Your PostgreSQL database connection string. Eg. postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/surfsense
SECRET_KEY JWT Secret key used for authentication. Should be a secure random string. Eg. SURFSENSE_SECRET_KEY_123456789
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID Google OAuth client ID obtained from Google Cloud Console when setting up OAuth authentication
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET Google OAuth client secret obtained from Google Cloud Console when setting up OAuth authentication
NEXT_FRONTEND_URL URL where your frontend application is hosted. Eg. http://localhost:3000
EMBEDDING_MODEL Name of the embedding model to use for vector embeddings. Currently works with Sentence Transformers only. Expect other embeddings soon. Eg. mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1
RERANKERS_MODEL_NAME Name of the reranker model for search result reranking. Eg. ms-marco-MiniLM-L-12-v2
RERANKERS_MODEL_TYPE Type of reranker model being used. Eg. flashrank
FAST_LLM LiteLLM routed Smaller, faster LLM for quick responses. Eg. litellm:openai/gpt-4o
SMART_LLM LiteLLM routed Balanced LLM for general use. Eg. litellm:openai/gpt-4o
STRATEGIC_LLM LiteLLM routed Advanced LLM for complex reasoning tasks. Eg. litellm:openai/gpt-4o
LONG_CONTEXT_LLM LiteLLM routed LLM capable of handling longer context windows. Eg. litellm:gemini/gemini-2.0-flash
UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY API key for service for document parsing
FIRECRAWL_API_KEY API key for Firecrawl service for web crawling and data extraction

IMPORTANT: Since LLM calls are routed through LiteLLM make sure to include API keys of LLM models you are using. For example if you used litellm:openai/gpt-4o make sure to include OpenAI API Key OPENAI_API_KEY or if you use litellm:gemini/gemini-2.0-flash then you include GEMINI_API_KEY.

You can also integrate any LLM just follow this

Now once you have everything let's proceed to run SurfSense.

  1. Install uv :
  2. Now just run this command to install dependencies i.e uv sync
  3. That's it. Now just run the file using uv run
  4. If everything worked fine you should see screen like this.



For local frontend setup just fill out the .env file of frontend.

NEXT_PUBLIC_FASTAPI_BACKEND_URL Give hosted backend url here. Eg. http://localhost:8000
  1. Now install dependencies using pnpm install
  2. Run it using pnpm run dev

You should see your Next.js frontend running at localhost:3000

Extension | Temporarily Deprecated

Extension is in plasmo framework which is a cross browser extension framework.

For building extension just fill out the .env file of frontend.


Build the extension for your favorite browser using this guide:

When you load and start the extension you should see a Login page like this


After logging in you should be able to use extension now.


Options Explanations
Search Space Search Space to save your dynamic bookmarks.
Clear Inactive History Sessions It clears the saved content for Inactive Tab Sessions.
Save Current Webpage Snapshot Stores the current webpage session info into SurfSense history store
Save to SurfSense Processes the SurfSense History Store & Initiates a Save Job

Tech Stack


  • FastAPI: Modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python

  • PostgreSQL with pgvector: Database with vector search capabilities for similarity searches

  • SQLAlchemy: SQL toolkit and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for database interactions

  • FastAPI Users: Authentication and user management with JWT and OAuth support

  • LangChain: Framework for developing AI-powered applications

  • GPT Integration: Integration with LLM models through LiteLLM

  • Rerankers: Advanced result ranking for improved search relevance

  • GPT-Researcher: Advanced research capabilities

  • Hybrid Search: Combines vector similarity and full-text search for optimal results using Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF)

  • Vector Embeddings: Document and text embeddings for semantic search

  • pgvector: PostgreSQL extension for efficient vector similarity operations

  • Chonkie: Advanced document chunking and embedding library

  • Uses AutoEmbeddings for flexible embedding model selection

  • LateChunker for optimized document chunking based on embedding model's max sequence length


  • Next.js 15.2.0: React framework featuring App Router, server components, automatic code-splitting, and optimized rendering.

  • React 19.0.0: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • TypeScript: Static type-checking for JavaScript, enhancing code quality and developer experience.

  • Vercel AI SDK Kit UI Stream Protocol: To create scalable chat UI.

  • Tailwind CSS 4.x: Utility-first CSS framework for building custom UI designs.

  • Shadcn: Headless components library.

  • Lucide React: Icon set implemented as React components.

  • Framer Motion: Animation library for React.

  • Sonner: Toast notification library.

  • Geist: Font family from Vercel.

  • React Hook Form: Form state management and validation.

  • Zod: TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.

  • @hookform/resolvers: Resolvers for using validation libraries with React Hook Form.

  • @tanstack/react-table: Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids.


Manifest v3 on Plasmo

Future Work

  • Add More Connectors.
  • Patch minor bugs.
  • Implement Canvas.
  • Complete Hybrid Search. [Done]
  • Add support for file uploads QA. [Done]
  • Shift to WebSockets for Streaming responses. [Deprecated in favor of AI SDK Stream Protocol]
  • Based on feedback, I will work on making it compatible with local models. [Done]
  • Cross Browser Extension [Done]
  • Critical Notifications [Done | PAUSED]
  • Saving Chats [Done]
  • Basic keyword search page for saved sessions [Done]
  • Multi & Single Document Chat [Done]



Contributions are very welcome! A contribution can be as small as a ⭐ or even finding and creating issues. Fine-tuning the Backend is always desired.