- New Terminal user interface (TUI)
| Linux | Termux | Mac |
pkg install python
orapt install python
pkg install git
git clone https://github.com/CPScript/Kitty-Tools
cd Kitty-Tools
python main.py
| Windows |
- Install python here:
(Make sure to install python with administrator) - Open cmd and type:
pip install git
- In cmd(The command prompt) type:
git clone https://github.com/CPScript/Kitty-Tools
- Gain access to the repo's dir:
cd Kitty-Tools
- Using cmd type
python main.py
into the terminal (Do all of this in the same terminal)
| Dont understand some words? Here is what they mean |
- apt: Advanced Package Tool (High level package installer)
- pkg: Package
- install git: Installs a github Repo via a terminal
- cd: Change directory (Used to go to a file via terminal)
- cmd: Command (You can type "CMD" in the windows start bar to open its command prompt!)
- repo: repository (If your reading this than your looking at a repository's readme.md)
- dir: directory (File location)
this repo is under a licence. "CPScript" is not responsible for your actions... please use this tool wisly (sorry for any spelling errors in this readme) Don't forget to follow
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