Shiny app for creating Venn diagrams of SARS-CoV-2 variant/lineage mutations.
Clone the repo from github.
git clone && cd covid-venn.git
Install dependencies.
install.packages('shiny', 'VennDiagram', 'RColorBrewer')
Start the shiny server.
Shiny server can also be started from bash
Rscript -e "shiny::runApp()"
Navigate to the URL printed in the console.
By default 3 lineages are selected. You can modify this selection using the Lineages select input. Up to 4 lineages can be compared.
There are three types of mutations that can be selected: Defining, VinTEBS (Variations in therapeutic epitopes or binding sites), and VinOEBS (Variations in other epitopes or binding sites).
Mutation labels can be shown using the Show mutations radio buttons.
uses data from the ncbi and downloads the latest version of the database each time it runs. If the database is unavailable covid-venn will default to using a local copy of the database (which may be out of date).