The mach1_navigation ROS package provides navigation logic for the Yahboom G1 Tank mobile robot. The package includes a set of ROS nodes that can be used to control the motion of a mobile robot based on user input, such as a joystick controller, sensor data and a map of the environment.
More information regarding the mach1 robot can be found in the Mach1 repository.
To use Mach1 Navigation, you will need to have ROS installed on your system. You can install ROS by following the instructions on the official ROS website:
Once you have ROS installed, you can install Mach1 Navigation by cloning the repository into your catkin workspace and compiling it:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone<username>/mach1_navigation.git
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make ### You can also use catkin build
Mach1 Navigation is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.
Julian Rendon (